The MBC mystery crime thriller Black Out, Episode 7 aired last night and earned its highest ratings since the Korean drama began its run on August 16th.
Both nationwide in South Korea and from audiences in Seoul.
Black Out, Episode 7 earned an all-time high rating of 5.7 percent nationwide, which is an almost 1.0 percent increase from the audience share for Episode 6 (4.8 percent).
The Kdrama’s rating was also high in Seoul, where that region’s audiences gave Black Out its new all-time high viewership of 5.7 percent. (Up from 4.2 percent for its previous episode).
The drama’s ability to continue to increase its audience share is also quite admirable considering it is competing against Good Partner, which airs on SBS in the same time slot.
That drama has been in the #1 spot for weeks and, last night, earned 14.4 percent nationwide/14.8 percent in Seoul.
Black Out stars Byun Yo Han, Ko Jun, Go Bo Gyeol, and Kim Bo Ra.
It streams on Hulu for some of that platform’s international subscribers, including in the United States.