Conchita Wurst Sings ‘Heroes’ at Cologne Pride and I Have an Epiphany (Video)

conchita wurst on stage at cologne pride

Have you ever heard the phrase my “come to Jesus” moment? It’s a phrase I rarely use as, frankly, I don’t have those types of experiences often. Plus, I’m an atheist so Jesus doesn’t feature much in my life. But, just now, I had my first such moment in years, and there’s no better phrase to describe it.

Because “come to Jesus”, it’s that moment where you experience something and it all suddenly makes sense. An epiphany, if you will. And I just had that, with the first minute (plus the rest of it) of this fabulous video of Conchita Wurst singing ‘Heroes at Cologne Pride yesterday.

And how did I have an epiphany from that, you might ask? Simple.

In that I’ve just spent the last few months trying to make a final decision as to if Conchita Wurst is worth me uprooting my quite happy thankyou Bangkok life for, and moving across a couple of continents to make a new life in Vienna. Ninety nine percent of me has always said she was worth it, and as I write about her so much I might as well be closer to her, but that one percent just would not click into place. Until today, with that video, when it did.

As it’s this bit, beginning at 0.27, where she finishes the lyric she’s singing and she looks behind her to get the attention of a technician on the stage. She’s having an in-ear problem and she needs it fixing. And in the next 15 seconds she gives me my epiphany by doing nothing but being herself.

It starts when she keeps singing as the technician rushes up to fix her receiver without missing one single beat. But, most importantly, to me at least, it’s what she does right after it.

It’s the adorable shoulder shrug and the grin as if having sound problems is all just part of the fun, then the thumbs up sign to show the girl its fixed, and finally the low “danke schön” in between finishing singing one song lyric and starting another, and all followed by the loveliest smile. And it’s done with this absolute professionalism and, at the same time, with such incredible grace.

And for me, someone who is always the leader and never the follower, it now looks like I’m going to have to make an exception for her. Because, now she’s given me my epiphany, I’d follow her to the ends of the earth.

conchita wurst at cologne stage pride

As, frankly, whether Conchita Wurst is an incredible singer and an about-to-be world star or not, none of that is as important to me as that she’s good-natured and kind. And that she appreciates what others do for her, even if it’s just a girl on a stage fixing her audio problem.

Throw in the fact that on that Cologne Pride stage, she’s wearing the hottest and most restrictive dress possible, she’s dripping a river of sweat and lube, it’s 40 f*cking degrees, and… she has the biggest grin on her face and looks like a million dollars. And she is nailing that song with everything she has.

more: Conchita Wurst rocks latex at Cologne Pride and still looks couture

And if you knew me you’d know I am the pickiest person on the planet when it comes to deciding who I want to get to know more about. But, for me, thanks to her giving me my epiphany, she’s now at the top of my list. So…it looks like it’s Vienna.

Thanks, love.


02 Conchita Wurst – Heroes @ CSD-Straßenfest… by cocosheart

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.