How old is Nadeshiko Kagamihara in Yuru Camp? Younger or older than Rin Shima?

One of the things fans often want to know about the girls in the Yuru Camp anime series is how old they are?

That is especially true for young men and women, who often feel they can empathize with anime characters who might be closer to their age.

The two most popular Yuru Camp girls, of course, are Rin Shima and Nadeshiko Kagamihara.

Yesterday, I looked at Rin Shima’s age so, of course, today it is Nadeshiko’s turn.

How old is Nadeshiko Kagamihara in Yuru Camp, and is she younger or older than Nadeshiko?

Nadeshiko is 16-years-old in the Yuru Camp TV anime series when it begins.

As the official Twitter account for the anime reminded us a couple of years ago, her birthday is on March 4th. That makes her a Pisces.

It also makes Nadeshiko five months younger than Rin, whose birthday is on October 1st.

An interesting tidbit of information for you too — Nadeshiko was named after a pink carnation called the Dianthus superbus subsp. longicalycinus, which is also called ‘nadeshiko‘ in Japan, and is native to northern Asia and Europe.

As for how old Nadeshiko is in the just-released Yuru Camp movie, we only have minimal information about the film so far, and the ages of the girls have not been mentioned.

We do know the girls are now adults, and working full-time jobs, but it hasn’t been announced how many years past university they actually are.


We will keep you informed though as soon as the film is released in the west, and if we find out.

Meanwhile, enjoy our introduction to Nadeshiko Kagamihara in the very first episode of Yuru Camp below.

You can watch the rest of Season 1, plus Season 2 via Crunchyroll.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.