Ongoing anime Love Is Indivisible by Twins has released a Shiena Amamiya character video via Kadokawa Anime’s official YouTube channel that introduces Rumi, Naori and Jun’s classmate, as Shiena introduces her cat.
Shiena Amamiya, who is also a model, approaches Jun asking him to help her with her studies as she is failing several classes, but Jun is confused why she has suddenly asked him, so he asks Rumi for help.
In the Shiena Amamiya character video, we see Rumi agreeing to help her with her studies until she has taken a make-up exam, while Jun himself is nowhere in sight.
In the character video, you will also hear the voice of actress Kaori Ishihara (Rin in The Dreaming Boy is a Realist) who is playing Shiena.
Love Is Indivisible by Twins anime details
The ongoing rom-com anime is based on the light novel series written by Shihon Takamura and illustrated by Almic.
The series currently has six volumes out, with a manga adaptation illustrated by Okari with two volumes out and a third due in August.
RELATED: New Love is Indivisible by Twins visual has Rumi and Naori visiting the aquarium
The Love is Indivisible anime is being directed by Motoki Nakanishi (Summoned to Another World for a Second Time), with Michiko Yokote (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K) in charge of series composition, and Mai Watanabe designing the characters.
Studio ROLL2 (Move to the Future) is animating the series.
You can watch the first six episodes of the anime on Crunchyroll now.