Martin Garrix Song ‘Byte’ is a Collaboration with Brooks, But It’s Repetitive and Dull

Martin Garrix song 'Byte'

The new Martin Garrix song ‘Byte‘ is an instrumental collaboration with Brooks

The just released Martin Garrix song ‘Byte‘ is back to the usual fare we get from the Dutch DJ and producer. This one is a collaboration with Dutch electro house DJ Brooks, which means, instead of another song with lyrics, it’s an instrumental piece

Personally, I’m not a fan of ‘Byte‘ as, while it’s pleasant enough, it’s all a bit repetitive and dull, but I’m sure it will be a hit in the clubs and at the festivals, which is where Garrix mainly targets with his music anyway.

And, of course, if you were at the Ultra Music Festival this year, or saw any of the videos, you will have already heard ‘Byte‘, as that is where Garrix chose to debut the track.

As for what Garrix has been up to in recent months, his last single release was another collab, this time with British singer Dua Lipa, with another instrumental piece with French producer and DJ Florian Picasso before that.

One thing you have to say about the 20-year-old Dutch man, he is definitely prolific.

You can hear the Martin Garrix song ‘Byte‘ in the video below.

Just be warned, if you have epilepsy you may want to avoid looking at it, as it really is nothing more than a lot of flashy flash flash.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.

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