Mika Akatsuki’s manga adaptation of Nanako Tsujimura’s novel series, Hōsekisho Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei (better known as The Case Files of Jeweler Richard), will be taking a hiatus.
The mangaka plans to resume work later in 2024.
The Japanese mystery light novel the manga series is based on is written by Nanako Tsujimura and illustrated by Utako Yukihiro.
The novel series has 12 volumes out in Japanese, with the manga adaptation by Mika Akatsuki now with six volumes in Japanese, and Volume 6 due out in English in December.
Seven Seas Entertainment publishes both the novels and manga series in English.
They explain the plot like this:
When Seigi Nakata rescued a handsome young jewelry appraiser from a group of drunken assailants, he got more than he bargained for!
The appraiser is Richard Ranasinghe de Vulpian, a brilliant and mysterious British jewelry expert.
Seigi hires him to appraise a family heirloom…and that is just the beginning. Together, they unlock the secret messages hidden in the hearts of precious stones–and those who possess them.
The novels and manga series became so popular in Japan, a TV anime adaptation was announced in mid-2019.
The anime series was produced by Studio Shuka, and premiered in January, 2020, with Crunchyroll streaming it internationally.
No reason has been given for the hiatus of The Case Files of Jeweler Richard mangaka.
Only that, if things go according to plan, it is likely to only be a short-term situation.