‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess Season 2 visual and trailer released

Right before the final episode of season one premiered, a second season of the comedy fantasy anime ‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess had already been confirmed.

That confirmation also came with a ‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess, Season 2 announcement visual, and a teaser trailer.

The ‘Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess, Season 2 announcement visual features a back view of Princess (Hime-sama) dressed in full battle gear with Ex in hand looking up towards the demonic Hell-Hordes’ castle in the distance.

Its accompanying teaser trailer shows a few flashbacks to episodes in the first season of the fantasy anime, and ends with Hime-sama vowing to “remain silent” under torture.

That, of course, we all know never happens.

The anime itself seems to fit more a Japanese sense of humor than a western one, as reviews for it on sites like My Anime List and IMDB are quite poor, with most disliking the anime pointing out how repetitive it turned out to be.

(It is, I dropped it at Episode 5 as I couldn’t stomach more of the same joke over and over again).

But, if you enjoy the humor in ‘Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess, and it is a very cute show, you’ll be happy about the upcoming second season.

Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess anime cast and staff

The ‘Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess anime series stars voice actors Shizuka Itou as Torture, Haruka Shiraishi as Hime-san, and Chikahiro Kobayashi as Ex (Excalibur).

It is directed by Youko Kanamori (Given Movie 1), with Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Shangri-La Frontier) in charge of series composition and scripts, and character designs from Toshiya Kouno and Satoshi Furuhashi.

PINE JAM (Just Because!) is in charge of anime production.

Where to buy the ‘Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess manga

The original `Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess manga is written by Robinson Haruhara, and illustrated by Hirakei.

While there are 14 volumes out in Japanese, it isn’t possible to buy digital or print volumes in English. At least yet.

But, in good news, you don’t actually have to buy the manga as it is being published in English by Manga Plus, where you can read it for free on their app.

Watch the short ‘Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess, Season 2 teaser trailer, and enjoy that nice illustration of Hime-san up above.

No word yet on when Season 2 will premiere but, as always, we will let you know when that’s announced.


About Steve Reynolds

Obsessed with anime and manga. Desperate for time to stop with only me left moving in the world. Then I'd have the time needed to watch the 543 anime DVDs I own, and read the more than 1,000 manga.