Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 Sexiest Music Videos

conchita wurst sex appeal

While I was writing yesterday’s Conchita Wurst article, and hard drive deep in videos from the astonishing Austrian diva, I found myself getting stuck over and over again at the sexy ones. That’s because, when you’re looking at Conchita Wurst oozing sex appeal from your computer screen, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else.

Being the writer I am, however, it wasn’t long before I’d decided today’s Not-a-Conchita-Wurst article (because, remember, I’m not supposed to have time to write about her), would be all about sex. Or, at least, which particular Conchita Wurst videos show off her sexy side the most.

And that’s when I came up with this list — Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 Sexiest Music Videos — a list of three videos you shouldn’t miss if you’re as intrigued as I am by how much sex appeal this just-hit-diva has.

After all, Conchita Wurst may be a drag artist, but I’ve seen a thousand drag acts in my time and not one of them has ever come close to who this woman is. Especially when, for many of us, she often appears to be more woman than many of the real ones sitting right in front of us.


Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 Sexiest Music Videos

 3. Back in 2013, there was a while where Conchita Wurst was going through what I call her Italian goddess phase. The long, straight, dark hair, and the darker, and more stylized beard.

Both these together added an edge of glamour to the singer, in a 1950s Sophia Loren/Gina Lollobrigida sort of way, that made her look not only chic, but also undeniably sexy.

Conchita Wurst’s sex appeal here is in the more elegant clothing she wears, the dramatic yet flawless make-up, and, oh my God, those eyes.

There’s what they call ‘bedroom eyes’ and then there’s Conchita’s eyes. And them? They’re at a whole different level.

2. I’ve been intrigued with the Conchita in this Russkaja video since I first saw her.

First, I watched the talk show segment preceding her actual singing performance, where Conchita strolled onto the stage wearing the tightest, sleekest, sexiest dress and most beautiful black boots you’ve ever seen.

Then there was that amazing one eyebrow raised thing she sometimes does. And finally, she proceeded to flirt with one of the hosts so terribly the poor man was literally squirming in his seat.

And she? Oh she was enjoying every second of it.

Then, having pulled that off, in the same charming way she always does, Conchita Wurst’s last act of the evening was to sing ‘That’s What I Am’ while accompanied by folk metal band Russkaja.

Again, sexy Italian goddess-style, and a goddess who was completely in control, and loving wrapping everyone in that room around her little finger.

Finish it all off with that flick of the tongue to her bottom lip that I love, love, love and, this one is perfection.

1. Honestly, I could leave this last video without an introduction as, let’s face it, there’s never been a sexier Conchita Wurst (although the way this woman constantly changes herself, I’m sure there soon will be). This is Conchita Wurst singing ‘Unchain My Heart’ at Landler Kirtag in August and, man, is it full-on sex.

Watch those beautiful eyes, glancing quickly at you from under lowered lashes and then away. That coy smile and suggestive pose. The flirty way she talks and pouts and moves. And that’s all before she even starts singing.

Then the music begins, and from the very first arm movement, you know you’re in love.

It’s the way she flicks the microphone back and forth from hand to hand – effortless and nonchalant. The slight sway of the hips, the casual way she dances, how she sensually pulls back her hair, and her complete abandon when she sings. And, the cherry on the luscious cake? That sexy tongue flick against her top lip she does so well.

Yep. Conchita Wurst is not only one of the sexiest women on the planet in this fabulous video, there’s a bonus feature as well. And that would be the quick glance you get at her amazing behind, before she turns back towards the audience to bewitch again.

Besotted? Me? No way.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.