Leo Sigh is an anime, manga, Korean-drama, and music-focused site founded by a British/American music journalist — me.
My name is Michelle.
It is a website that concentrates on the positive.
That means all you will see here is upbeat articles about anime, manga, K-dramas and films, and music, as well as shout-outs when a public personality does something we love.
And, no, we don’t do gossip, or cover the opinions of X trolls.
That is because we have always detested those websites that treat public personalities like pieces of meat, that write nasty articles about them, make up gossip, or otherwise sling mud.
It is unnecessary, it is nasty and it is cruel.
Besides………it doesn’t cost anything to be kind.
Actors, voice actors, singers, and musicians are human beings just like the rest of us.
They do what they do because they love it, and because they want to bring the rest of us a little joy.
But no matter how famous they are, or how much money they make, the slings and arrows some people target them with must still hurt.
That is why all you will find here is positive, upbeat articles about the things we love and that make us happy.
As for Leo Sigh, the name is taken from the Thai phrase ‘เลี้ยวซ้าย’ (pronounced here) and means ‘Turn Left’.
I have always lived my life believing, if most other people are turning right, I should probably be turning left.
It has worked out well for me so far.
If you have comments, suggestions or questions about Leo Sigh or anything published here, you can contact us at any time at our email address – Editor@leosigh.com.Â
I would love to hear from you on any subject. As long as you are kind.
Meanwhile, huge love, a big hug, and the absolute best of best wishes,
Michelle Topham
Founder and CEO