10 Things I Love About Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst lovely
copyright, Conchita Wurst – Facebook page

Let me start this by saying there are probably 10,000 things I love when it comes to Austria’s most famous singer, and that list gets added to every day. So, when I talk about these 10 things I love about Conchita Wurst, don’t think they’re the most important ones. They’re not.

They’re just some of the things she does, or is, that just make me laugh, think “Awwwww” or give me an incredible urge to hug her.

1. “In my head” (“In meinem Kopf”)

When Conchita is asked questions, she often answers with the phrase “In my head” or, in German, “In meinem Kopf”. And I always imagine what crazy things go on inside that head of hers because, let’s face it, it’s definitely not like anyone else’s head in there, and it just makes me laugh.

2. Her English slang 

I love when Conchita Wurst uses English slang, because comments like “they would give me the side-eye” sound far cooler, and a lot more elegant, coming from her than they do coming from a native English speaker. (And, besides, she just sounds so darn cute). (Starting at 08.09 in the video below).

3. Conchita Wurst’s hands

Look at her hands. They’re amazing. Not only does she ‘talk’ with them (if her hands were chopped off, she’d have problems speaking), but they’re just so interesting to look at. Always gorgeous manicured nails, but on hands that are sinewy and strong, and with the veins standing out like nothing I’ve ever seen. Plus, you just know they could probably deliver a powerful punch.

Some journalists have said “very much a man’s hands” but I don’t see them that way at all. They’re just ‘Conchita’s hands’, and I think they’re beautiful.

spontaneous shoot in the shower 🛁 styled by @thomas.reinberger hair by @mattmorganofficial ❤

A photo posted by conchitawurst (@conchitawurst) on

4. Conchita Wurst’s nose

While we’re on the way she looks (and, no, I’m not going near her eyes, mouth, legs, or that tongue flick…..thing, as that’s where half the fandom is already salivating), I need to mention I love Conchita Wurst’s nose.

Love it because it makes her look like a modern day version of Sophia Loren (who, incidentally, was told by Hollywood executives to have plastic surgery on her nose as it was supposedly “too long”.

Loren, however, knew that would negatively impact her career, and refused, which is why she is still known as one of the world’s most beautiful women).

And love it because Conchita hates her nose (see video below where she talks about it with Jean Paul Gaultier). And she shouldn’t. Because Conchita Wurst without that fabulous nose just wouldn’t be, well………Conchita.


5. She listens.

It doesn’t matter who you are, when you’re talking, Conchita listens. Which is fascinating when she is always the center of attention herself, but it’s true.

Since I first came across her, I’ve noticed it in every interview she does, in every interaction — her complete focus on the person talking to her.

And I can’t stress enough how rare that is, as most people are more involved with themselves than the person who is talking to them, but it’s especially rare coming from someone at her level of celebrity.

I can, also, absolutely attest that it’s true, as I sat across from her for half an hour earlier in the month, and although I did most of the talking (don’t remind me), she barely took her eyes off me once and with an absolute focus that was radiating off her.

6. She’s her own drag artist

Conchita changes faster than just about any other artist on the planet. So much so, she’s even giving Lady Gaga a run for her money.

But what’s fascinating is how she’s changing. Because, instead of sticking with being the typical drag artist (well, she never really was, she just thought she was), she has decided to go her own way. So out went the bra (thank God, I always hated that because she never looked quite comfortable in it), and in came her bare chest and those amazing plunging necklines.

And now, Conchita Wurst is in the process of creating her own version of what a drag artist should be. And that person is going to keep changing and redefining what she wants to show the world.

Sure, sometimes we’ll get new looks as a test, and in an effort to ‘shock’. But, personally, I don’t mind that as I love to watch the process in action. Even if she does end up discarding some of it along the way, as it gives me even more of an insight into how her incredible mind works.

Besides, my ultimate goal for her is just to be ‘Conchita’ (well, WITH the Wurst. Sorry, love).

And by that I mean not stereotyped as a ‘drag artist’ but just seen as someone who is an artist. Like Gaga or Grace Jones —  without people feeling the need to label her all the time.

Now, just look at Conchita’s version of ‘The Devil Wears Prada‘ below. Now isn’t she the most gorgeous thing ever? Yet so different than what we are used to.

#theunstoppables 💇🏻 ❤ A photo posted by conchitawurst (@conchitawurst) on

7. She makes me look at things in a different way

Age has never meant anything to me. In fact, the whole age thing has always seemed stupid. In that, so many people think you cannot learn something from someone who is younger than you, or apply the lessons they are teaching to your own life.

Conchita Wurst is younger than me, yet I find I learn things from her every day.

Because she looks at life the same way I do, but comes at it from a different angle. And she does it in a way that sometimes makes me uncomfortable and sometimes even taps into my own deep rooted homophobia (because socialized in society the way we are, we all have homophobic tendencies – the trick is to work through them so you don’t).

As a writer though I like that as, if she makes me feel uncomfortable about something, I know it means it’s worth a second look. Then, as often happens, the more I look at what she’s doing, the more I love it.

She’s a good teacher is the lovely Ms. Wurst, and yet she does it all without being preachy or annoying.

8. Conchita Wurst is Gertrude Stein-esque

I’ve always been fascinated by American writer Gertrude Stein, who moved to Paris in 1903 and eventually started her own ‘salons’ — groups of artists and others she thought were interesting and talented, and who supported and loved each other, often while up against the animosity of others.

Now Conchita Wurst has done something similar with her life in Vienna. She has helped create a strong group of artists and other like-minded souls who function as her ‘second family’, and her support system. These people have created their own little world, where each one feels loved, protected and safe, and where Conchita can be anyone and anything she wants to be.

And I can’t even explain how much I love that.

9. Her superb comedic timing

Conchita Wurst has a brilliant sense of humor. One that is quick-witted and smart.

I watch her Conchita Answers videos and just laugh and laugh. Because it’s the faces she pulls, those if-you-blink-you’ll-miss-it expressions that flit across her face, and the way her comedic timing is honed so sharply it really is genius.

Watch her latest Conchita Answers video that just went up today. The darn thing is just over a minute long and I think I laughed six times.

It’s her struggling to say the words “thirty three” and then the look on her face when she says “it’s not that easy for a German-speaking woman” (and the fabulous editing makes it even funnier), the slightly evil flash in her eyes right after she says “give them my number”, and at the end watch the emotions on her face right before she turns to walk away.

I’ve watched the video 12 times already, and I’m still not finished laughing.

10. Those little things

There are so many little things she does I find so endearing, I know I will never get bored with her. (And I’m a person who, in all my quite long life, I’ve only found a couple of other people this intriguing).

One of them was when my conversation with her in Vienna earlier in the month was coming to an end, and her friend Niki brought over her powder compact so she could touch up her make-up before heading back downstairs for another meet and greet with fans.

And as she touched the powder puff to her face, she glanced over at me so quickly that if I had blinked I would have missed it. But in that glance I felt the almost imperceptible feeling, and then it was gone as quickly as it came, that she wasn’t quite as self-confident about fixing her make-up in front of me as you would expect her to be.

And then. I loved her more than anyone.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.