My Sweet Mobster Ep 2 ratings fall slightly but international ratings rise substantially

Photo courtesy JTBC

It is always difficult to guess how well or how poorly a K-drama will perform from the ratings of just its first couple of episodes, as things can massively change as a show settles into its run.

That is why the ratings for a drama’s second episode can often be a false flag — whether they fall or rise — as subsequent episodes then prove those projections wrong.

Case in point, My Sweet Mobster, Episode 2 as the ratings for the new rom-com fell slightly yesterday compared to those of its first episode.

Those ratings, according to Nielsen Korea, were 2.18 percent nationwide, which is down from Episode 1’s 2.29 percent.

The episode’s audience share fell even further in Seoul, with My Sweet Mobster, Episode 2 earning 1.87 percent — down from Episode 1’s viewership of 2.20 percent.

Like I said, though, where My Sweet Mobster‘s audience share goes from here is more important than the viewership it earned for its first two episodes.

We will learn that next Wednesday.

International ratings for My Sweet Mobster rise

Internationally, however, the reverse seems to be true. At least if personal ratings on various drama-focused sites are to be believed.

For instance, the K-drama’s international ratings on My Drama List have risen rapidly from yesterday’s pathetic 7.4 out of 10 after its first episode (a rating obviously compiled from a group of trolls) to today’s more realistic 8.2 out of 10 after its second aired.

Over on Viki where the drama is airing, that site’s already high 9.3 out of 10 yesterday has now risen to 9.5 out of 10 after an additional 100-plus viewers have weighed in.

Just like with domestic ratings in South Korea though, let’s see where all this goes as future episodes release, but at least the international ratings appear promising.

My Sweet Mobster stars Uhm Tae Goo, Han Sun Hwa and Kwon Yul.

It airs every Wednesday and Thursday at 20:50 (KST) on JTBC in South Korea, with Viki doing the honors for international viewers.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.