My Sweet Mobster, Ep 5 earns all-time high ratings as international viewers rate it even higher

Photo courtesy JTBC

While the ongoing Korean rom-com My Sweet Mobster has not seen massive ratings increases since it premiered on June 12th, it has held its own with similar ratings to those earned for its first episode throughout its previous three episodes.

That is why it is nice to see My Sweet Mobster, Episode 5 see a slight ratings increase this week, to end up with a new all-time high for its latest episode.

That all-time ratings high for My Sweet Mobster, Episode 5 was 2.35 percent, which is only a .10 percent increase from its previous episode but… an increase, nevertheless.

Fingers crossed then that we see an even higher audience share from here, as this is one of the K-drama’s currently airing that deserves a much bigger audience.

My Sweet Mobster‘s international ratings

The Korean drama has also seen an increase in its ratings from international viewers.

Ratings via My Drama List, for instance, have increased from an initial 8.2 out of 10 when the drama first began airing to today’s 8.4 out of 10.

That is the current average rating from more than 1,400 viewers.

Over on Viki, where the K-drama is streaming, My Sweet Mobster is performing even better with a hugely positive rating of 9.7 out of 10 via almost 2,400 viewers.

Comments on both sites are overwhelmingly positive as well.

My Sweet Mobster stars Uhm Tae Goo, Han Sun Hwa and Kwon Yul.

The Korean drama airs on JTBC every Wednesday and Thursday evenings through August 1st.

Let’s see how it performs in the ratings tonight!

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.