Kaiju No. 8, Episode 4 recap – Kikoru is injured and Kafka saves the day

Kaiju No. 8, Episode 4 recap proves Kafka has staying power

Episode 4 of Kaiju No. 8, titled “Fortitude 9.8,” picks up from the cliffhanger that ended Episode 3.

The episode opens with Kafka Hibino’s unwavering resolve as he stands on his broken leg, declaring to Soshiro Hoshina that he has no intention of withdrawing from the defense force exam.

Despite the pain, Kafka’s determination doesn’t falter, and he finds support in his friend Reno Ichikawa, who literally lends him a shoulder to continue the test as he carries him onto the next kaiju challenge.

Together, they decide to follow Kikoru Shinomiya, Kafka’s rival, to support her in the ongoing battle against the kaiju.

Meanwhile, Kikoru, the daughter of the Defense Force General Director, showcases her formidable combat skills by single-handedly defeating the remaining monsters on the battlefield.

RELATED: In which episode of Kaiju No. 8 does Kikoru Shinomiya first appear?

Her performance is so impressive that it draws acknowledgment from Mina Ashiro and Hoshina, who are watching from the observation room.

Of course, Kikoru’s ambition to impress her father is why she works so hard, and she hopes coming #1 in the Defense Forces test will earn his approval.

However, the battlefield is full of surprises, and a sudden attack by a lone monster — this time one that can actually speak — targets Kikoru.

This unexpected turn of events catches everyone off guard, including Kafka and his group, who notice the dead kaiju and yoju mysteriously regenerating.

Kikoru, though initially caught off guard, stands her ground against the speaking kaiju and its resurrecting yoju companions. The situation escalates, however, as the kaiju fires strange projectiles that completely immobilize Kikoru, leaving her vulnerable.

Meanwhile, back at the command center, Mina swiftly orders the activation of recovery shields around every test candidate, and dispatches drones to the testing grounds.

Along with Hoshina, Mina then makes her way to the testing site to assess the crisis first-hand.

An alert resounds across the testing grounds, instructing all examinees to seek shelter, but Kikoru defies the order, choosing instead to confront one of the charged-up honju.

Her defiance leads to a brutal encounter where she is knocked into a wall, and the honju continues its relentless advance.

Amidst the chaos, the episode then takes a moment to delve into Kikoru’s past through a flashback.

We witness her childhood, marked by high expectations and the pressure to excel, stemming from her father’s desire for her to become a perfect individual for humanity and in memory of her deceased mother.

This glimpse into Kikoru’s upbringing adds depth to her character and explains her drive to succeed at any cost.

Back in the present day, Kikoru’s struggle against the honju then intensifies, with the honju not only injuring her further but also regenerating its lost limbs, becoming even stronger.

It’s at that point, as the honju gets ready to fire a ball of fire at her, she knows she is going to die.

Until, that is, Kafka appears in front of her saying “You did a great job, Kikoru” and then, much to her shock, turns into a kaiju himself.

‘You’re a kaiju?” says Kikoru, who cannot believe her eyes.

And it’s then that Kafka gets down on his knees and begs her in yet another break into silliness, “Please don’t tell the Defense Force about this”.

Back in the observation room, the equipment has picked up the appearance of Kaiju No. 8, with the technician amazed that it has a fortitude of 9.8 — a score never seen before.

Hoshina, though, insists the measuring equipment must have been damaged in one of the blasts. “Otherwise”, he says, “it would be one of the most powerful kaiju in history”.

Meanwhile, that powerful kaiju (hi, Kafka!) is now kicking the honju’s ass, hitting it so hard it explodes and then rains blood all around him.

Ichikawa appears and, as the pair are fighting about Kafka transforming and putting himself in danger from the Defense Force, Kikoru collapses.

As Mina and Hoshina are now at the site of the exploded honju, the observation room technician tells them Kafka, Ichikawa and Kikoru have just arrived back safely. That means all examinees are now safe.

But Mina and Hoshina are amazed that the honju was killed in such a vicious manner, surmising even Kikoru, as powerful as she is couldn’t have done it.

Then Hoshina remembers he saw the same thing three months ago when a supposed “good kaiju” rescued a little girl.

Days later, Kafka is now in the hospital, again, with Kikoru in intensive care getting special treatment.

As Kafka and Ichikawa are talking about how strong the others on the examination were, Mina shocks them by appearing in the hospital room and thanks them for saving Kikoru by carrying her to the shelter.

Meanwhile, Hoshina arrives in Kikoru’s treatment room and thanks her for killing the honju.

Kikoru is about to tell him she wasn’t the one who killed it, but remembers Kafka told her to keep his presence a secret, so she “admits” she killed the honju.

Of course, it’s obvious Hoshina doesn’t believe her.

The episode ends on another cliffhanger, as we see the intelligent kaiju sitting in a public restroom watching a video on his phone about the examination, and becoming angry as the news reporter announces “Nobody was killed during the test”.

We then learn, as he transforms back into a human, that this smart kaiju is a new member of the kaiju clean-up crew.

Overall then, Episode 4 of Kaiju No. 8 successfully builds upon the characters’ arcs, introduces a scary new kaiju, and sets the stage for future conflicts.

It was also crazy entertaining.

RELATED: You can also read the recaps of other Kaiju No. 8 episodes on Leo Sigh — Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.