One of the most powerful, albeit sometimes annoying, characters in the ongoing anime series Kaiju No. 8 is Kikoru Shinomiya, member of the Third Division of the kaiju Defense Force and daughter of Director General Isao Shinomiya
Kikoru is one of the most kickass officers in every kaiju battle, and a girl who can take down a kaiju all by herself while groups of men are struggling to prevent themselves from being killed.
But, while she has been one of the main characters in the anime throughout much of its run, she doesn’t appear at all in its first episode.
So, when do we actually meet Kikoru in the Kaiju No. 8 anime?
In which episode, and how many minutes into it?
When does Kikoru Shinomiya first appear in the Kaiju No. 8 anime?
The first time the petite blonde girl appears in the military-themed, sci-fi anime is towards the end of Episode 2.
That is when she arrives at the Defense Force Selection Test venue (West Tokyo site) right after Kafka and Ichikawa park their van, and are heading towards the testing facility.
At that point, Kikoru appears, shouts at Kafka “Hey, old man”, and then insists he move his van out of parking space 55 as “it’s my lucky number today”.
Of course, Kafka refuses as the parking lot is almost empty, which is when we see Kikoru strip down to her Defense Force combat suit, activate it, and effortlessly pick up the van with one hand.
She then throws it into another parking space, leaving Kafka and Ichikawa standing there in disbelief.
RELATED: How does Kaiju No 8‘s Kafka feel after he has been on his first mission?
The episode ends with her walking towards Kafka, sniffing his chest and then asking “Do you know you smell just like a kaiju?”
Yep, Kikoru has some stellar skills. And Kafka might want to be wary of her.
All of this happens towards the end of Kaiju No. 8, Episode 2, with Kikoru making her first appearance in the anime at about the 19 minute 56 second mark.
Needless to say, from the arrogant and over-the-top way she behaves, neither Kafka nor Ichikawa are that thrilled to have met her.
Kaiju No. 8, Episode 2 is now streaming on Crunchyroll. Head off and meet Kikoru.