Sigur Ros Featured on ‘Orphan Black’ with ‘Untitled 4’ – Season 3, Episode 10 (Video)


Icelandic indie rock band Sigur Ros hit mainstream North American TV last week, when their track simply called ‘Track 4‘  or ‘Untitled 4’ was featured on the Canadian sci-fi TV series ‘Orphan Black’ (Season 3, Episode 10 — ‘History Yet to Be Written‘).

The track is from the Sigur Ros album () or The Untitled Album, and was listed on the album as ‘Untitled (“Njósnavélin”)’. Njósnavélin meaning The Spy Machine, but usually referred to as The Nothing Song instead.

And ‘Untitled 4‘ is beautiful. Ethereal vocals, pretty keyboards, and an optimistic feel as if things will work out in the end. No matter how dark it may seem now.

Listen to Sigur Ros’ ‘Untitled 4‘ in the video below. And, if you haven’t seen Episode 10 of Orphan Black yet, look out for it on the soundtrack.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria,. Former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, anime, and manga news for over a decade.