Listen to ‘Knee 1’ from 100 Foot Wave, S2 E1 end credits after surfers begin to cause problems

Professional surfer Garrett McNamara is back on HBO this week with the first episode of the second season of the documentary 100 Foot Wave.

Along with McNamara’s surfing exploits, 100 Foot Wave also features some banging music on its soundtrack, including ‘Knee 1‘ by the Philip Glass Ensemble, which was the track playing over 100 Foot Wave, Season 2, Episode 1 “Epsilon” end credits.

The track begins playing during the last few scenes as too many surfers and jet skis are on the water causing danger and accidents for both the surfers and the jet ski riders. It carries on over the end credits.

Knee 1‘ by the Philip Glass Ensemble was one of the tracks from composer Glass’s four part opera Einstein on the Beach, which he wrote for the Philip Glass Ensemble to perform in 1975.

The subsequent opera is an interesting concept, as it takes five hours to perform in its entirety, with Glass allowing audiences to come and go as they feel like while it is being performed without a break.


The Philip Glass Ensemble’s Einstein on the Beach, featuring ‘Knee 1‘ has been released on albums in varying lengths, with only two full recordings being released while others had a pared down version of around three hours or less.

The one I have listened to the most is the 1979 album, which comes in at two hours and 44 minutes and features ‘Knee 1‘ as its first track.

It is an album that was lying around the radio station I was a DJ at for many years, and was one I picked up just to find a long “fill in” track for a late night show I was hosting so I had time to get to the bathroom and back before it ended.

I  loved it so much I not only listened to the entire album on repeat for months, but I also played tracks on my radio show for years afterwards.

Listen to Philip Glass Ensemble’s ‘Knee 1′ as heard on 100 Foot Wave this week on that album, and in the video.

The latest season of the Emmy Award-winning 100 Foot Wave is now airing via HBO.

You can also learn more about Philip Glass and his ensemble, a group that was founded in 1968 and is still going strong even though composer Glass himself is now 86-years-old, via their website.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.