Conchita Wurst Says It’s a ‘Human Right to Love Whoever You Want to Love’

conchita wurst dublin ireland independent interview

Conchita Wurst sang at The George in Dublin last night but, before her performance, she gave a short interview but very interesting interview to

During it, when asked about equal marriage in Ireland, Conchita said:

“I have to say this whole equal marriage stuff annoys me to death because a perfect society for me will be when we don’t have to talk about sexual orientation, the colour of your skin or which religion you are”.

“This is so not important, and for me I don’t need to discuss whether gays are allowed to marry each other or not. It is a human right to love whoever you want to love, so I don’t need to talk about that.”

And you have got to admit, she is correct. After all, I have never understood why it is anyone’s business who somebody loves or who they want to marry. As long as it is between two consenting adults and isn’t hurting anyone, how is it anyone else’s business but theirs?

For more on what Conchita Wurst had to say while in Dublin, and some very pretty pictures of the lovely Ms. Wurst, head over to the Independent.

And for a short question and answer session with questions asked by some of Conchita Wurst’s most admiring Irish fans, either watch it on the Independent website or click on the video below.

As for Conchita, after playing at Dublin’s The George last night to absolutely rave reviews, she is now heading to London where, this evening, she will be one of the headlining acts for London Pride.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.