Conchita Wurst Talks to Garrett Mulhall in Dublin, Ireland

conchita wurst talks to garrett mulhall dublin ireland

Conchita Wurst was in Dublin, Ireland last week for a performance at The George and, while there, she managed to fit in an interview with the best interviewer on the planet. At least for Conchita Wurst, that is.

I’m talking about Eurovision Ireland’s own Garrett Mulhall. A guy who is so enamoured of Conchita Wurst, his interviews are a joy to watch.

That’s because he is so adoring, Conchita always appears completely comfortable with him and so Garrett Mulhall is able to get some lovely and quite genuine responses from her.

Add in that he also asks questions that are out of the norm, and a Conchita Wurst-Garrett Mulhall interview is something you want to brew up a good cup of coffee for, and then settle down with your favorite snack for a truly enjoyable few minutes.

You can watch Garrett speaking to Conchita in Dublin, Ireland on Friday June 27th below. Just be careful not to watch it too many times, or you’ll end up with ‘face hurt’ like me……….from all the smiling.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.