How Conchita Wurst Helped This Swedish Woman ‘Want to Find Her Happiness’

conchita allsangen
Conchita Wurst singing at Allsång på Skansen in Stockholm, Sweden (screenshot from video below)

This is the second in a short series of articles written by Conchita Wurst fans, who all want the lovely Austrian diva to know how much she has impacted their lives. You’ll find the introductory article here, and the first fan article in the series here. Now read on for a lovely article from Christina Jacobsson.

In the beginning of 2014 I was at a very low point, depressed with no energy or ambition only sleeping or eating. I was watching Eurovision from 2013 with lovely Graham Norton’s comments. Then I started going through the contestants for 2014 and clicked on Austria.

00:00 What!!!!????
00:05 Oh Yes!!!!!
Eyes, voice and song went right into my heart!

This awakened me to start searching for information.

I heard the loving message, saw her kindness.  Soon after, I joined Facebook (Conchita’s Wurstgemeinde) and met tons of stunning fans who shared my strange obsession with this phenomenal human.

I started to live the message of being the best version of myself. Be positive and loving which made me stronger and stronger.

Me, that almost never travels, when I saw that Conchita was coming to Sweden I started thinking about going to Stockholm, alone, to see her. The days went by and the day before I decided to go.

Of to the boat for Stockholm.

In Stockholm I got a map and started walking for hours, getting lost over and over again. I finally reached “Skansen” where they did not accept my cell phone ticket at first but, after some twist and turns, I got to the stage. It was so hot, I was so thirsty, and my feet and back hurt so much, but being alone I could not leave my good standing place.

After many great performances and sing along: THERE SHE WAS!!!! It was all worth it!
Very far away but that class,style and voice could not be mistaken! Heaven had come to Sweden!

The day after, I was supposed to go home in the afternoon. My cat was alone, but I wanted to see the Pride area. When I arrived there they said it would not open until 5 pm – in 3 hours. That only left half an hour for me until I then must go to the boat bus.

Well I bought a ticket and then went to the central station to see if I could rebook the boat. When I got there, there was no one selling tickets and I realised my boat bus was about to leave! I tried to text my niece for a number to rebook – but no answer. (I have no internet on my phone). So I had no choice but to get on the bus. Or did I?

Suddenly, I decided “No! I don’t care if I have to pay the boat ticket price again”, and I got off. Saw that I got the number and I rebooked.

Back off to Pride, where I wandered around feeling the happy atmosphere

A woman on stage, Nadja Karlson, told about Swedish LGBT history, which was very interesting.After that people started gathering and suddenly Kayo, a famous singer, appeared in a gorgeous black glittery dress. It was the Pride opening!

Then came a fantastic show with amazing artists. Guess who ended it?
The Queen of my heart and so close!

Rise like a Phoenix echoed all over! I was beyond stunned.
So bloody happy!!!

Now I feel strong, beautiful and loving. I love all my beautiful fantastic Facebook friends, who adore Conchita as much as I do.

And Vienna 2015 ESC here I come!

Thank you Conchita from the bottom of my heart!!! Your spirit is unbreakable and you share it by just being you!

P.S.- My cat was mad but has forgiven me.

christina jacobsson bio

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.