Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 Best Live Performances Ever (Videos)

conchita wurst unchain my heart

Before I even start this, let me just apologize to Conchita Wurst for my even bothering. After all, I don’t always think it’s nice to do ‘best of’ lists, as artists work hard for every performance.

So sorry, Conchita, if you read this, don’t take it seriously. Just look at it as, rather than a ‘Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 Best Live Performances Ever’, more like a ‘3 Conchita Wurst Live Performances I Think Are Amazing’. Okay?

So, having got that out of the way, here are the three Conchita performances that are currently knocking my socks off.

3. ‘Rise Like a Phoenix’ – Second Semi-Final Eurovision

Even though Conchita Wurst hasn’t had a ‘bad’ performance of ‘Rise Like a Phoenix’, her performance during the second semi-final at Eurovision is still the best she’s ever done. Why?

Simple. It was perfect. The whole package.

Amazing choreography. Beautiful lighting. Gorgeous dress. Fabulous hair and make-up. Lovely staging. And, of course, Conchita. She was divine. Her inflection, her facial expressions, her understated gestures, her voice, her emotions.

I know for a fact she worked damn hard on this performance. That’s because, if she didn’t pull it off, she wouldn’t make the final. But, of course……….. she did. She sang. She won. So this performance helped make history.

Personally, I think she sings ‘Rise’ even better now (in recent weeks, her voice is getting richer and less ‘shouty’), but this performance is on my ‘best performances ever’ list, because this……….this was the one that mattered.

2. ‘Unchain My Heart’ – Landler Kirtag

Well, well, Ms. Wurst. Aren’t you just a sexy little thing?

For me, Unchain My Heart is amazing. It’s the first one where she really goes for absolute sex appeal, and completely nails it. Her voice is incredible (man, she hits those notes!), she dances (awwwwwww), she’s full-on ‘diva’, she’s obviously having a blast up there, and she makes me smile.

Plus, with this kind of knockout performance, you can only imagine what she’ll be like in five years time. Un-freaking-believable.

My only suggestion for improvement? Dance MORE!!


1. ‘Unbreakable’ – Soundcheck, Bad Mitterndorf

Yep. Sorry. I’m going to drive you nuts with this. But, this….this is ‘Weltstar’. And it’s a freaking soundcheck, and only half of one at that!

Gorgeous voice – rich, powerful and almost every note hit perfectly. Perfect facial expressions. Oozing emotion, and absolutely mesmerizing, even though she’s really doing nothing but standing there….. (and fiddling with her hair. Stop it! 🙂 )

And the last 30 seconds? Holy moley, Ms. Wurst. You make my toes curl.

Finally, I discovered this video yesterday. It’s the same Bad Mitterndorf soundcheck, but here you’ll see her do the song twice. The first time? Nowhere near what she can do. And she knows it. Which is why she runs through it again. The second time? Breath-taking.

Agree? Disagree? Leave comments in the box below. Just not you, Ms. Wurst. You’re not allowed.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.