Conchita Wurst’s Top 3 ‘Unchain My Heart’ Performances (Videos)

unchain my heart landler kirtage conchita wurst


Today’s musings about Conchita Wurst were going to involve pretty pictures from her EU Parliament performance, but I made the mistake of chatting to a friend on Facebook and, before you know it, we were going through her ‘Unchain My Heart‘ performances from previous concerts. That’s because she sang the same song at the EU today, and sang it well I might add, and we wanted to see how it compared to others (sorry, Conchita, this is what we do when we have too much time on our hands).

Of course, when that kind of thing starts, you’re suddenly knee deep in Conchita Wurst videos complete with sexy hip sways and tongue flicks and then, if you’re a writer like me, you feel the need to write about them.

So, here is a quick article on Conchita Wurst’s top 3 ‘Unchain My Heart’ performances – which were chosen for a variety of reasons (none of which involved trolling said videos for tongue flicks, I promise).

3. Unchain My Heart at EU Parliament

Like I said earlier to anyone who would listen, Conchita Wurst’s performance at the EU Parliament today was spectacular, and it actually shouldn’t have been. It was early afternoon (an odd time for a concert, I always think), in the pouring rain, involved a lot of political and diplomatic types, on a teeny tiny stage surrounded by a tent, and right after Conchita had done a press conference, an autograph and photograph session, and then delivered a political speech in front of the audience she was now singing to.

Yet her performance of ‘Unchain My Heart’ was pretty darned awesome because she was having so much fun and it showed. Her stage presence was lovely, she moved beautifully, she hit all those amazing high notes, and she looked like she belonged up there.

And, sure, she’s still dodging the dancing (come on, Conchita, you can do it) and has substituted a bout of talking instead but, overall, this ‘Unchain My Heart’ performance was spot on.

Listen to it below and, sorry, the last bit of it is cut off but this video has the better sound.


2.Unchain My Heart, Trachtenpärchenball

While my friend thinks Conchita Wurst’s performance of ‘Unchain My Heart’ at the Trachtenpärchenball in Vienna a couple of weeks ago is the best one she’s done (she’s partial to her hair style and her dress for starters), I eventually relegated it to my second spot. (My website, my rules).

I must admit it was tough, though, as this one really is a beautiful performance. She’s so comfortable on stage, having an absolute blast and really connecting with the audience, exudes energy, belts out the song, hits those high notes like you wouldn’t believe, is wearing a rocking wig and a gorgeous gown and, yes, she’s just loving swishing that dress around too (come on, I’m a girl, I can appreciate how that feels).

Plus, there is so much tongue flick in this thing it was very very difficult not to just automatically shove it at the number one spot. (Although I did replay it a few times, just to be sure).


 1. Unchain My Heart at Landler Kirtag

Come on, it’s Landler Kirtag. The first time she’d really sung ‘Unchain My Heart’ in front of a live audience, and she killed it..

Her performance is phenomenal, there’s a bit more ‘rock’ here than in the other two, and her voice seems warmer to me – wrapping around the music rather than sitting on top. Plus, those perfect high notes and low notes. God.

The atmosphere of this entire gig is cool too, from Conchita to the band to the staging, it all seems very ‘American’, which suits the song perfectly. And she’s wearing the sexiest dress imaginable and looks incredible in it,

But what pushed this over the edge to the number one spot for me? She looks delighted to be there and so incredibly happy, it made me love her just that little bit more.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.