Conchita Wurst on C à Vous in Paris: Beautiful Performance, Gorgeous Girl (Video)

conchita at c a vous paris

Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst is in Paris this week for rehearsals for her upcoming show at the Crazy Horse next month. Last night, she also appeared on French TV, this time on C à Vous, where she was interviewed, and where she sang ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘.

C à Vous is an interesting concept, as it takes place in an informal setting around a dining table with the guest of the day, various columnists, and presenter Anne-Sophie Lapix. The meal eaten is cooked by a well-known chef, and the show is generally filmed live.

It is also quite an intimate affair which, if you sre performing a song, as Conchita Wurst was last night, that could be a little nerve-wracking, I imagine, as you are so close to your audience.

Conchita, however, did beautifully. So well, in fact, her C à Vous performance of ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ was up there with some of the best she’s done since Eurovision. Just a fabulous performance, as her voice was so rich, warm and perfectly controlled.

Before singing, Conchita also talked about the Crazy Horse show she will be featured in for a week in November. Admitting she was very nervous — “I’m nervous. I’m a nervous wreck. I’m not used to dancing and singing, but I will do that” (and can I just say “Yay, she’s dancing”).

She went on to talk about what it was like working with ‘legends when it comes to fashion” and how amazing it is that these people “see something in me — it’s just overwhelming……and all of a sudden, those people ask me to work with them…remembering sitting back at fashion school and hearing these names, Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, as a student thinking, oh my God, I would never ever meet them and then being with those people in one room, making jokes, and just realizing that these are normal people – it’s kind of refreshing and great”.

(This is just one of the many, many reasons I love her – as, while she’s so professional and ‘spot on’ with everything she does, she is also sweetly naive and innocent in some ways, and absolutely loving everything that’s happening to her – and it’s touching and charming to see).

Interestingly too, Conchita mentioned ‘Rise Like a Phoenix‘ was originally written for Shirley Bassey, one of her own music icons.

Bassey, however, didn’t choose to sing it — luckily for her. (It definitely has a Bassey quality to it but, for me, it suits Conchita’s voice so much more than Bassey’s and, of course, nobody now could sing it better).

conchita wurst is just so pretty
How unbelievably pretty is she? And look how you always see that lovely inner glow.

And can I just say, Conchita, I wanted to screenshoot every single frame of both the videos below as you looked stunning last night.

A gorgeous chic and sexy dress, just perfect for you, and fabulous with your amazing legs, and the loveliest softest make-up.

With that gorgeous sparkle in your eyes, and that inner glow that always comes through, you are just one of the prettiest girls I’ve seen in a long time. And you just make me smile.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.