Conchita Wurst on Times Square Billboard Courtesy of Google: Mega-Star Anyone?

I wasn’t going to write about Conchita Wurst today. My emotions need a break. But, when I logged onto Twitter earlier in the day and saw a photograph of Conchita Wurst on a Times Square billboard — a billboard, I might add, that is the largest one in Times Square history — ever — you could have heard me squeal in, well, Times Square.

Conchita is on the billboard courtesy of Google, as she is one of Google’s Top Ten Global Trending Searches for 2014, (number seven, to be accurate).

That fact alone is nice.

But, when you consider any entertainer in America would give just about everything they own for the privilege of being on a Times Square billboard, as it is the number one advertising space in America, and then you factor in Conchita Wurst got on that billboard because of her popularity in Google search — can I just stress how massive of a deal this is for her.

Particularly as she is getting ready to make her first trip to America for the Golden Globes on January 11th.

But, ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not, it gets better. Not only is Conchita Wurst on a Times Square billboard with the fabulous heading “This breakout star rose higher in searches than Beyonce and Lady Gaga in May”, but this billboard is……..MEGA.

Like I said, it is the biggest billboard in Times Square history. Seventy five percent larger than any billboard has ever been. So big, it takes up an entire city block on a prime location on Broadway, which means you can see it from five blocks away. Google is the first company to rent it and, according to reports, it’s costing them at least $2.5 million every four weeks.

From what I understand, Conchita’s part of the Google advertising rotates, so you see other Google ads throughout the day and night. But, still, this is a huge deal. Huge. Huge. Huge.

Think of it this way. Rap star Marky Mark (now actor Mark Wahlberg) was already famous when he was on a billboard in Times Square for Calvin Klein back in 1992. That billboard helped catapult him into mega-stardom.

Granted he was in his underwear at the time, and grabbing his crotch, something, thankfully, Conchita didn’t have to do.

All she grabbed was your attention, and she just had to look pretty and sing to do it.

Finally, let me just add, since I first saw Conchita Wurst back in May at the Eurovision Song Contest, I’ve always known she was going to be a mega-star and be one of those few European artists to make it in America.

All I can say is, every new day that arrives proves me righter than right, and I could not be happier about that. Not for me. For her.

Meanwhile, if you’re in Times Square between now and the end of the year, do make sure you go and say ‘Hi’ to Conchita. She’s lovely.

Thoughts on Conchita’s Times Square billboard? Leave comments in the section below. And for more about the lovely Conchita Wurst why not read these articles:

Conchita Wurst sings with the Danish Radio Big Band

Love Conchita Wurst? You’ll Love Her More After You Watch This Documentary

Is Conchita Wurst a man or a woman? Does it matter


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.