Conchita Wurst’s First Day in Los Angeles Was a Busy One

It looks like Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst’s first trip to America started out incredibly well, with her first day in Los Angeles a huge success. And as jam-packed as you might expect when it comes to this woman who, frankly, seems to have more energy than half of the rest of us combined.

Conchita’s LA morning started off with a tweet:

followed by a visit to the UCLA LGBT Campus Resource Center in West LA, where a beaming Tracy Garcia managed to get a selfie with her, and called her “so fierce” (well, I’d have to agree with Tracy on that).

conchita ucla lgbt

Then it was time for an interview at The Advocate, the largest LGBT publication in America. Here Conchita appeared in yet another selfie. This time on one of West Hollywood’s pretty streets, and with The Advocate’s Entertainment Editor, Jase Peeples. (And doesn’t she look teeny tiny and delicate, and oh so incredibly pretty!)

In the evening, of course, Conchita was at the LA Press Club for an exclusive interview with Austrian journalist, and LAPC board member, Barbara Gasser, and then a meet and greet with fans.

Here she wore another stunning creation from Austrian designer JCHOERL — a beautiful quilted leather skirt tailored specifically for her. (And can you see why I think JCHOERL designs some of the most beautiful clothes on the planet — look how gorgeous she looks).

During the interview, Conchita spoke about how everything she believes in is about respect, and how she is not afraid to be herself. She also mentioned she loves Cher and that, while she might not be afraid of Russian President Vladimir Putin, she’s definitely scared of comedian Kathy Griffin — but she loves her, so would love to meet her anyway. (And that’s another thing Conchita and I agree on – adore Kathy too, but I’d be equally as terrified).

All in all, I’d say a fabulous first day in Los Angeles for the lovely Ms. Wurst with, of course, the red carpet at the Golden Globes on Sunday still to look forward to. And, of course, she’s going to be a massive hit.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.