Andreas Bourani’s ‘Hey’ has a Gorgeous Voice, Lovely Guitar and it’s beautiful — Repeat Rotation Video

andreas bourani hey acoustic

Andreas Bourani’s ‘Hey‘ is gorgeous, both vocally and musically

For my Repeat Rotation Video today, I’m going back to German singer Andreas Bourani, whose songs have been stuck in my head since I discovered him a few weeks ago. And an Andreas Bourani song simply called “Hey” — the acoustic version.

Hey” is one of Andreas Bourani’s latest singles from his second studio album released early last year. A studio album of the same name.

As for Bourani, he has a lovely voice. Many of his songs are mellow, soothing and beautiful, and “Hey” is one of those. Just his voice and gorgeous guitars. So incredibly lovely.

Bourani’s ‘Hey‘ is also a song with a beautiful message. The idea that we all have bad times and the only thing you can do is not be hard on yourself, because it too shall pass.

The German version

Wenn das Leben g’rad’ zu allem schweigt,
Dir noch eine Antwort schuldig bleibt,
Dir nichts andres zuzurufen scheint als: Nein
Es geht vorbei.
Wenn der Sinn von allem sich nicht zeigt,
Sich tarnt bis zur Unkenntlichkeit,
Wenn etwas hilft mit Sicherheit, dann Zeit.
Es geht vorbei, es geht vorbei.
Hey, sei nicht so hart zu dir selbst!
Es ist okay, wenn du fällst;
Auch wenn alles zerbricht,
Geht es weiter für dich
And the English version
When life remains silent about everything
Still ows you an answer
Seems like it’s not shouting anything but “No” at you
It’ll pass
When the point of everything just doesn’t show
Disguised, it’s unrecognizable
The only thing that helps for sure, is time
It’ll pass, it’ll pass
Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself
It’s okay when you’re falling
Even when everything breaks
It’ll go on for you

Listen to Andreas Bourani’s ‘Hey‘ below — both the live acoustic version and the official music video. And, as usual, play it loud with headphones and dancing. Because that is always the way to listen to any of the Repeat Rotation Videos I recommend.

And, if you like what you hear, pick up Andreas Bourani’s album “Hey” from most major digital music sites.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.