Conchita Wurst, Her Berlin Press Conference, and Superstar Confidence (Video)

conchita wurst berlin press conference


Some days, I’m not in the mood for Conchita Wurst. Today was one of those days. A fact that is quite shocking for some die-hard fans, who can’t imagine life without loving her more than it.

Me, though? I’m not the perfect person to love Conchita Wurst. I’m not. Because some days, I want to walk away and leave her sitting there. On my computer screen, doing her thing, while I go off to do mine.

Like today, when she walked in to Berlin’s Soho House to start her Berlin conference — the one promoting her new book ‘Ich, Conchita‘, and her single ‘You Are Unstoppable‘.

I didn’t want to know. Don’t ask me why. I just didn’t.

But then…….. there’s this thing that always happens with me and Conchita Wurst. If I glance her way. She ‘catches me’.

And, in my case, she doesn’t even have to open her mouth and sing. Just walk into a room and stand there. In front of the cameras. And smile.

But today, at Conchita Wurst’s Berlin press conference to launch ‘Ich Conchita‘, and ‘You Are Unstoppable‘, something else also caught my eye. Something besides that beautiful smile, and the girl I can’t get enough of. Something that kept me looking long after she gave up the poses, sat down, and began to answer questions. Something that told me this Conchita, the one who sat on that stage in Berlin today, had blossomed once again.

Because Conchita Wurst today was incredibly relaxed, supremely comfortable and in control of everything that went on in that room, simply by virtue of being there. And as confident as I’ve ever seen her.

I first noticed it when she stood in front of the cameras and did her 300 poses. Normally, there are a few small ‘flickers’ I see that let me know she’s not quite as confident as she looks. But not today. Not one.

Today, she was in control and loving every second of it, from the moment she arrived and began to smile and, of course, flirt.

And you could see her confidence from the rock solid air about her as she sat down and began to speak. The way she spoke with her hands by gesturing expressively rather than the nervous way she used to twist and turn them as she talked, and the way she sat so relaxed, not ramrod stiff like she sometimes was.

Of course, today was in Germany, a country she seems to love, and in German, her native language. So it’s not surprising she’s now hit superstar level when it comes to interviews there and in that language. A level in interviews I don’t expect her ever to lose again. In German, anyway.

In English, because she’s not quite as sure of herself yet (and she should be, because her English is almost native speaker), she still has a few little ‘tells’ that give away her nervousness. Don’t worry, though, give her a few more weeks with the speed she’s changing, and they’ll be gone as well.

Of course, all of today’s Berlin press conference was in German, a language I understand one in every 30 words of (just like that nice Bayern3 radio interview she did on Sunday where, frankly, I didn’t understand a word – not one).

But, this Conchita Wurst press conference in Berlin today, even in German it’s still lovely to watch, just like that Bayern3 interview on Sunday was nice to listen to. Or should I say she’s still lovely to watch and listen to. Every freaking second of her.

Especially for me. Remember. The one who wasn’t in the mood for her.

Because to now have confidence, or ‘star quality’ if you will, at this astounding level, less than a year after Eurovision — she deserves her very own accolade. Or, I have to say……he most certainly does.

Now watch Conchita Wurst’s Berlin press conference below, and watch it in awe. Because she is quite spectacular. Then, buy her book and buy her single as, after all, that’s why she was there.


For more on Conchita Wurst, why not read:

Conchita and the art of flirting

Analyzing Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst’s new single ‘You Are Unstoppable”


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.