Le Fox Holes ‘Crossroads’ is Classic American Rock N’ Roll From Copenhagen (Video)

le fox holes crossroads

So, I was trawling various YouTube channels today looking for bands I wasn’t familiar with and stumbled across Danish band Le Fox Holes on the Target Denmark channel. And, you know me with Scandinavian bands, I’m a sucker for ’em, so I gave their video a listen.

I soon found out, though, Le Fox Holes isn’t completely Danish. The band is made up of two Danes — Silky on bass and Ibber on drums. Australian Mr. Yum Yum is on guitar, but he’s played all over the world. And American singer Juju Fox completes the band.

They are, however, based in Copenhagen and, together they’ve put together a band that plays classic rock n’roll and, yes, they play it well.

Le Fox Holes’ first single is out now, it’s called ‘Crossroads‘, and it has a great video with it as well — a mix of footage of the band hanging out together, goofing off, playing live, and even bits of an artsy-fartsy black and white film that makes them look like the coolest indie band ever. (Loving those tattoos).

Now, ‘Crosssroads‘ is only the first release for Le Fox Holes but, so far, I have to say I’m liking what I’m hearing. Watch the band’s video for it below to see what I mean.
Like what you hear? You can find out more over at Le Fox Holes’ website.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.