Conchita Wurst at ‘La Fête de la Musique’ 2015 – 4 Fabulous Things (Videos)

conchita at la fete

Conchita Wurst performed at La Fête de la Musique in Nice, France last night. An event I watched this morning when the videos hit the internet, as the time difference was just too wonky for me.

And while there were a myriad of videos, photos and tweets to peruse, there were four things I thought were so delightful I’m going to talk about them here.

Conchita Wurst and the hip tilt

This photograph appeared on Conchita’s stylist’s Instagram account this morning (the fabulous Thomas Reinberger), and it’s a perfect example of what I call ‘Conchita Wurst and the Hip Tilt‘.

The photo was taken at the soundcheck for La Fête de la Musique yesterday afternoonand it shows Conchita doing this thing she always does. Standing with her torso pushed out and forward, her body slightly off center, and one hip tilted upwards. It looks as awkward as hell to do but, it is so incredibly sexy, I could watch her stand like that for hours.

Conchita Wurst and the police escort

As for this little video this morning? It made my freaking day.

It’s Conchita sitting in the back of a car being driven to (or from?) La Fête de la Musique, and she’s talking about having a police escort. The first police escort she’s ever had.

And you know that word ‘adorable’? Well, it doesn’t even begin to describe how she appears here. Talking in an almost whisper, until she realizes she has no idea why. Calling having a police escort “posh”. And obviously so delighted she’s important enough to require an escort like that anywhere, you can tell it’s never going to matter what happens to her or how big she becomes, she is going to love every minute of it, and never take it for granted.

And don’t you want to support someone like that? I know I do. Well, if I could ever get over wanting to hug her.

Conchita and the La Fête de la Musique performance

Then there’s this. The actual performance itself.

And what is brilliant about this is, well…everything.

That amazing dress. It’s knock out (and don’t even get me started on that one gorgeous exposed leg).

That she now has backup dancers just thrills me beyond belief. Because, when she’s on a stage alone in front of that many people, she’s always looked a bit lost in the past. Like she’s not quite sure what to do with herself. Which is not surprising as, when you’re just one person all alone up there, it’s hard to carry a crowd that big. Really hard. Now, with dancers, she has an actual stage performance, and that just makes her look amazing.

That she’s now walking around the stage rather than standing still, (well, strutting probably describes it better), and looking as confident as she ever has while she does it, is a thing of beauty to behold.

That she nailedFirestorm‘. It’s a big deal for her, because it’s a new song. And nail it she did. Previously, she was shaky on both performances of the song I saw before, and in one she made a pretty big mistake. But last night’s performance of ‘Firestorm‘? Spectacular, love. Truly world-class.

And, finally, the best thing ever about that performance? That amazing ass in that fabulous dress. Just sayin’.

Conchita Wurst and ‘My Heart Will Go On’

And finally, there’s ‘My Heart Will Go On‘, a song I detest more than any other song on the planet. A song Conchita sings a lot, because she obviously loves it.

A song I love to see her sing (even though I hate it), because that song has huge meaning for her.

It’s the song she sang as her audition for Die Große Chance, which is the performance she said she always used to watch when things weren’t going so well, because it reminded her of how good things could be.

I watched her sing it last night (and Jesus Christ, what a voice), and it made me happy to see her up there doing that. Because think about it. She first sang that song when much of the world laughed at her. Yet, on Die Große Chance, with that song, she proved to everyone in the studio she had what it takes to be a big star.

And now here she is, a few short years later, up on a massive stage on a beach in Nice, in front of an enormous crowd, televised to half of France, and singing that song. And that just makes me happy for her in ways you cannot even imagine.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.