Watch Aurora Live on Honda Stage — Powerful, Raw and Highly Emotional (Videos)

aurora honda stage live

The incredible Norwegian singer Aurora performed live on the Honda Stage recently, and six videos of her performance have surfaced on her YouTube Vevo channel today.

Videos of Aurora singing songs ‘Under The Water‘, ‘Black Water Lilies‘, ‘Conqueror‘, her latest single ‘I Went Too Far‘ (my personal favorite), ‘Warrior‘ and ‘Runaway‘.

And there’s not much I can add to the beauty of these videos. Except to say Aurora never disappoints in any live performance she gives.

Because her performances are always raw, powerful, highly emotional, full of drama and stunning, and given as if she is off in another world somewhere, a world only known to Aurora.

And especially here on the Honda Stage.

Watch Aurora live on the Honda Stage in all of the five videos below. And savor every second of them. Because that girl is incredible, and she is going to go far.

If you want to jump onto the massively popular and quite a bit fanatical Aurora train and find out more about her before she becomes huge, she has an excellent website as well.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.