Birdy Says Songs on ‘Beautiful Lies’ Are All About Change (Video)

birdy beautiful lies

British singer Birdy has released a video talking about each track on her new album Beautiful Lies, and how each song came into being.

Tracks like ‘Keeping Your Head Up‘, which Birdy says started out as a ballad with just a verse.

Then she took the song to Steve Mac and Wayne Hector, two of the collaborators on the song, and the track changed completely.

As Birdy says, “And then we tried it with drums, and it became this whole different thing. And I realized that’s where it was meant to be all along, and that’s why I couldn’t really finish it before”.

As for why most of the songs on Beautiful Lies sound the way they do?

“Moving to London definitely inspired a lot of the songs on the album. And the mood I think. The first two weeks I was quite lost and quite lonely I guess, because I was just finding my way and making friends, and learning to look after myself.

But then after that, you know, it was really freeing. And I was so excited to be independent. And I think a lot of the hopefulness on the album has come from that”.

And the name of her new album? Beautiful Lies?

Beautiful Lies came from the song. After writing it, it just felt like the right title because the album is all about change. And it ‘s about growing up.

And I think, whilst making it, I was home for about a year and a half, so I kind of got back to normality, so I was clinging on to that. And just loving being at home actually.

But also change is actually a good thing, and I’ve grown so much since the first two albums”.

Listen to Birdy talking about the songs on Beautiful Lies in the video below. Interesting comments, and also hard to believe she is still just 20 years old with how mature she sounds.

As for Beautiful Lies, you can grab the album on all major digital music sites.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.