Conchita Wurst Says “Say ‘I Do’ Down Under” And Man, Is She Hot While Doing It

I’m calling a halt to our regularly scheduled programming. Literally mid-way through writing another article (sorry, Moby, you’ll have to wait). Because this just arrived in my Instagram feed, and it is so f*cking beautiful in every way, how could I not need to write about it. Immediately.

Because it’s Conchita Wurst. She of the gorgeous face, fabulous beard, incredible voice, stunning fashion sense, currently man-woman-unisex vibe.

The girl of my dreams (hell, I’m as straight as they come, and I’ll still take her), occasional bane of my existence (well, some days she does things I don’t like — doesn’t everyone you really love?), and the main reason my ass is now sitting in freezing cold Vienna instead of warm and toasty Bangkok (don’t worry, Conchita, you’re forgiven).

And because Conchita Wurst has just published a photo on her Instagram account to publicize Say ‘I Do’ Down Under.

A t-shirt designed and released to help garner support for the Australians 4 Equality campaign. A campaign currently being run to help pass legislation for marriage equality in Australia for everyone. (Hear, hear).

The campaign is fabulous, the Aussies need to pass a marriage equality law — yesterday — and Conchita Wurst is a goddess. No more. No less.

And, if you love that awesome t-shirt she’s wearing, you can order one here.

Now. Back to our regularly scheduled programming. But wasn’t that a lovely break?

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.