Listen to Agnes Obel’s ‘Fuel To Fire (David Lynch Remix)’ from ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ — Disturbing


Danish singer songwriter Agnes Obel’s track ‘Fuel To Fire (David Lynch remix)‘ was featured on the season finale of ‘How To Get Away With Murder‘ last month, and I have been a little bit addicted to it ever since.

The track was played during the montage when Annalise starts drinking while reading the files from her past with the Mahoney’s, Frank, Rebecca and Sam leave and then Annalise goes to talk to Frank and Bonnie.

Fuel To Fire‘ is from a 2014 re-release deluxe version of Obel’s sophomore album Aventine. The album earned critical acclaim when it was originally released in 2013.

Obel’s deluxe release has an additional three tracks and some re-mixes of others added, including this disturbing David Lynch remix of ‘Fuel To Fire‘ (listen below). And yes, it’s that David Lynch.

And I am also including the original version of Agnes Obel’s ‘Fuel To Fire‘ here as well, so you can see how strikingly different the David Lynch remix is to what was Obel’s original vision. And yes, I’m as obsessed with the original, as that piano and that cello are gorgeous, and Obel’s voice is mesmerizing.

Besides, isn’t it nice to have the original Obel version of ‘Fuel To Fire‘ when you’re in the mood for something romantic and ethereal, and another version for when you’re feeling like listening to something a little more surreal and definitely more foreboding?

As for the remarkable Agnes Obel who, by the way, is extremely popular in Europe and should be far more well known in the U.S. than she is, you can find out more about her and her music in this Guardian interview piece.

You can pick up Obel’s deluxe version of her album Aventine on most major digital music sites.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.