Stephen Colbert replaces Jarvis Cocker on Feist’s ‘Century’ and he’s cool (video)

Stephen Colbert replaces Jarvis Cocker on Feist’s ‘Century‘ and he’s cool

Canadian indie pop singer songwriter Feist not only performed her latest single ‘Century‘ on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert last night, but she also persuaded Colbert to perform part of the song with her.

And, to me, ‘Century‘, with its insistent drumming, tight guitar and layers of instruments building to a cool but fast climax, it’s a song that needs three or four plays before you start to get the feel of it. And then…it’s ultra addictive.

Oh and nope, there is nothing wrong with that second video. ‘Century‘ really does end that abruptly.

Century’ is from Feist’s new album Pleasure. It’s the fifth studio album for the singer, and the first one she has released since her 2011 album Metals.

And during her performance of the track on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert stepped in towards the end of the song for Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker, who appeared on the original single, and delivered this overly dramatic monotone monologue:

Century, how long is that?” 3,155,973,600 seconds, 876,000,000 hours or 36,500 days, almost as long as one of those endless dark nights of the soul. Those nights that never end. When you believe you will never see the sunrise again. When a single second feels like a century.”

Personally, I thought Colbert’s monotone delivery was even more effective than Cocker’s more animated performance. Plus, he just looked so cool.

Feist herself is currently in the middle of quite a long international tour, hitting U.S., Canadian and European cities over the next three months. Her next gig is tonight at the Lincoln Theater in Washington D.C.

You can get her full concert schedule on her website.

Now watch Feist performing ‘Century‘ with Stephen Colbert on The Late Show in the video below, and then listen to the original single release below that. And don’t know about you, but I’m obsessed.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.

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