Peter Schreiber’s ’10 More Austrian Songs from Austrian Artists That are So Cool’

Last month, I asked Austrian music journalist and editor Peter Schreiber if he would be willing to come up with a list of ‘10 Top Austrians Songs You Should Listen To‘.

He did such a great job, and we got such a good response, I gave him an open invitation to do as many more lists as he felt like doing.

Today, Peter Schreiber’s ‘10 More Austrian Songs from Austrian Artists That are So Cool‘ arrived in my email box. Like last time, he has picked some of the best and the coolest contemporary music coming out of Austria at the moment. And this time there are 11 :).

Half the songs I was already familiar with, half I was not.

Hopefully, your experience will be about the same, so that you can be happy some of your favorite Austrian artists are on Schreiber’s list, and be introduced to new and just as fabulous ones as well.

The comments about each song and artist are Schreiber’s own, with just a couple of added comments of mine, which you will see in parentheses.

5K HD — ‘In, Out’ 

This is so great it makes my brain feel like a freshly squeezed lemon :D. The beat is stunning, and the video is a mindf**k too.

(**Leo Sigh — This 5K HD video is phenomenal. Such a simple idea, but executed so perfectly, it really needs to be watched a few times for the full effect of just how good this is for a low-budget video).

Neon Neet — ‘Extension’

OK, so this is really exciting as this is the first song the duo Neon Neet has released so far (they are on the new record label Assim Records).

I absolutely love the aesthetics and vibe of this, can’t wait to hear more from these guys.

Little Big Sea — ‘Holding On’

This song makes me feel things… it has some kind of nostalgia to it that is sad and uplifting at the same time. Truly Beautiful and Little Big Sea singer Marlene is lovely too. (See photo of Marlene with Peter on his TV show #Pop! below)

Lou Asril — ‘Divine Goldmine’

This guy is 19. 19!! This is his debut single, and he is already the talk of the town.

His performance of ‘Divine Goldmine‘ was one of the highlights of this year’s Amadeus Austrian Music Awards.

KeKe — ‘Paradox’ 

I’m not really that much of a HipHop Fan, but damn KeKe is just too good!!! So much attitude and flow.

Hate to point out the fact that she is a female rapper, but she’s really showing the guys how it’s done.

James Hersey  — ‘Don’t Need Me’ feat. narou
James Hersey is just such a talented and feelgood guy, and his music is so light and real (and uplifting – even in its ‘sadder’ moments).

His new Innerverse EP is gorgeous, and this song is probably my fave.

Mavi Phoenix — ‘Romantic Mode’ 

Mavi Phoenix is the coolest, and her new song ‘Romantic Mode‘ is one of my instant favourites of hers.

After winning the FM4 Award at the Amadeus Austrian Music Awards last week, she said that (apart from Austrian radio station FM4) there is not much support for young Austrian artists.

That’s why I’d recommend she (and everybody else too!) watch my TV show #POP! on W24, which I guess she (obviously) hasn’t seen yet ;).

(**Leo SighI second Peter Schreiber’s recommendation that you watch his show #POP!. It is one of the most interesting, and most beautifully produced music shows I’ve seen, and he features some of the best contemporary music — both Austrian and international. The special effects are cool too! — And yeah, Mavi Phoenix is amazing!)

Jack Wave — ‘Let Go’

You may know Jack Wave as Elija (he had quite a big radio hit 7 years ago), or as Silberwolff (the quirky electropop project he did last year – you should check out the video for his song ‘Günther, I love it!).

With this new ‘persona’ (his 2nd name is Jakob, so this is where Jack comes from), he wants to be more honest and true to himself. ‘Let Go‘ is super catchy too, IMO.

He is basically a one-man-show, who is doing everything by himself and a lovely guy too!

Lylit — ‘Me’

Lylit is just fantastic. Her voice, her stage presence, her realness: everything. Her concert last April at Porgy & Bess is one of my favourites of the year so far, and this song was particularly great.

(** Leo Sigh You”ll find my own interview with Lylit here. She is ridiculously talented and, btw, she is also one of the two composers and the lyricist of the songs for Conchita‘s (Tom Neuwirth’s) new stage persona WURST).

Lylit has also appeared on Peter’s show #POP! Check out the episode here.

SLADEK — ‘Daydreamin’

I don’t mean this in any rude way, but SLADEK singer & guitarist David looks so tiny & cute in their video(s), that I would never have expected a VOICE THAT IS SO BIG!

The Band from Styria has got so much soul & groove, and the debut album Daydreamin’ is a great record for springtime.

Bonus: WURST — ‘See Me Now’

I actually didn’t want to include WURST in this list, because there is a lot of coverage on this website already ;). BUT…the new songs are just too good to be left out.

I adore EVERYTHING this new (Conchita-)era has to offer, from the sound, to the lyrics, to the look – and ‘See Me Now‘ is probably my favourite (so far 😉 )

(**Leo Sigh If someone had told me five years ago, I would write over 650 articles about an Austrian artist, and that I would move to Austria because of them, I would have asked for a hit of the drugs they were obviously doing. But hey-ho, life is full of surprises 🙂 )

Peter Schreiber hosts the wonderfully weird and quirky music show #POP! on the cable TV station W24.

Watch his short ‘Best of 2018‘ video below. You can also check out more episodes of #POP on the show’s website, and follow Peter Schreiber on Instagram and on Facebook.

And, if you like his taste in songs as much as I do, he has an enormous Spotify playlist of songs he adds to all the time with a wide range of genres and artists represented.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.