WURST’s ‘To The Beat’ is another fabulous ear worm from new album Truth Over Magnitude

Austrian singer songwriter WURST performed his latest release on Sunday night at Maspalomas Pride on Gran Canaria, Spain for the first time.

Called ‘To The Beat’, it is the fourth track we have heard from WURST’s upcoming debut album Truth Over Magnitude. An electro pop album that is far removed from the music we are used to hearing from this phenomenally talented artist.

You know…the Austrian dude that is as much at home in a wig, heels and a dress as Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita, as he is as bald, bovver-booted and rubber-panted electro pop artist WURST.

And, while the live performance of WURST’s ‘To The Beat‘ on first listen through had me thinking the song was a bit bland, that’s the thing with all of the songs released from Truth Over Magnitude so far.

On subsequent listens you realize how beautifully written each track is, both lyrically and musically. And soon they are all bloody ear worms you will find yourself humming on the bus.

WURST’s ‘To The Beat‘ is available for a listen via his Maspalomas Pride performance, which you will find in the Facebook video below. The song can be heard beginning around the 9:00 mark. (He has also released an audio video of the track in full, which you will also find below).

And, for a first performance of a brand new song, WURST’s vocals are incredibly strong live.

Plus, come on, rubber pants, fabulous ass and, after five years of Conchita who was often a bit stiff on stage, he DANCES. What more could you possibly want?

Truth Over Magnitude itself is a 12-track album releasing sometime in Autumn 2019 on the Sony record label. Pre-orders for it kick off on May 16th, 2019 on the usual digital platforms.

Other tracks released from it so far are ‘Trash All The Glam‘, ‘Hit Me‘ and ‘See Me Now‘, all of which have already wormed their way into my head to become some of my favorite releases of 2019 so far.

And, if the more than 2 million views the ‘Hit Me‘ music video has already received on YouTube are anything to go by, I am expecting this album to be a big hit.

Learn more about WURST and Conchita, and their creator Tom Neuwirth, as well as upcoming concert dates on Conchita’s website.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.