WURST’s Truth Over Magnitude concert tour is 13 gigs in 5 countries — tickets on sale today

Austrian electro pop singer WURST (aka Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst) is kicking off his Truth Over Magnitude concert tour on Saturday, November 2nd, 2019 here in Vienna, Austria.

The first concert on WURST’s 13-date tour will be held at WUK in Vienna, followed by the main body of the tour beginning in Groningen, Netherlands at the ESNS Festival on January 15th, 2020.

The other 11 concert dates on the Truth Over Magnitude tour will take place in Poland, Germany, back to the Netherlands and Switzerland, with the last two concerts back here in Austria in early March.

In other words, 13 gigs in five countries in support of his debut solo album. (Check out full dates in the WURST graphic above — and listen to full album below).

WURST is the latest incarnation of Austrian artist Tom Neuwirth (aka Conchita Wurst) who, after spending the five years since his Eurovision Song Contest win as the gowned, wigged and high-heeled Conchita, decided her extravagant diva appearance and music wasn’t quite saying what he wanted to say as an artist anymore.

Hence, Conchita went off for a nice long holiday and WURST appeared in her place.

Since then, electro pop artist WURST has released six singles, and a number of superb and beautifully artistic music videos.

His debut solo album Truth Over Magnitude hit shelves last Friday, the #2 spot on the iTunes chart soon after, and is currently surging nicely up the Spotify charts.

Grab tickets for any of WURST’s 13 concerts via Conchita Wurst’s Upcoming Events page.

And if you are even remotely interested in WURST/Conchita/Tom Neuwirth — I highly recommend you buy tickets while they are still available.

He is a spectacular live performer, and his concerts are always superb.

Listen to WURST’s Truth Over Magnitude title track in the YouTube video below, and listen to his entire album in the Spotify widget below that.

Because that album is perfection.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.