The ongoing SBS drama Connection, Episode 4 aired on Saturday night in South Korea to even higher ratings than its Friday night episode.
It also appears South Koreans may have chosen their favorite drama when it comes to a choice between Connection and MBC’s Bitter Sweet Hell.
That’s because, after being rated not much lower than Connection on Friday night, the ratings for Bitter Sweet Hell plummeted on Saturday night, while Connection‘s soared.
According to Nielsen Korea, Connection, Episode 4 earned 7.9 percent of the nationwide audience last night (8.2 percent in Seoul), which is a new all-time high for the crime thriller, as well as up from its previous all-time high rating of 7.0 percent.
Those ratings also made it the #2 most-watched show on Korean TV on Saturday.
Meanwhile, Bitter Sweet Hell, Episode 4’s ratings plummeted from Friday night’s audience share of 6.2 percent to 4.9 percent on Saturday.
Between the three K-dramas overlapping in the same time slot on Saturday night — Connection, Bitter Sweet Hell and The Atypical Family — Connection was also the #1 most-watched show.
Connection stars Ji Sung, Jeon Mi Do, Kwon Yul, and Kim Kyung Nam, and airs every Friday and Saturday night at 22:00 (KST), while streaming on KOCOWA internationally, and on Viki in very limited regions.
The Korean drama’s next episode will air on Friday, July 7th.
Do be aware, though, Bitter Sweet Hell‘s ratings for its next episode may just rise back up again (fingers crossed, as it’s excellent!), as it has less competition on Friday nights.