Drama Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi Season 2 confirmed – Here’s what we know so far

Now this is something I can not only get behind but massively welcome, as its first season was one of my favorite Japanese drama series of all time — the wonderful Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi (aka Falling High School Girl and Irresponsible Teacher) is getting a second season.

Yep, if you had been in Vienna, you would have heard me scream when it was announced.

For those of you not in the know, Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi is based on the equally superb manga series of the same name. A manga series that ends later this year.

It follows high school student Ochiai Mikoto (beautifully played by Takaishi Akari) who decides to kill herself by falling off the roof of the school after her crush turns her down in a humiliating rejection.

But, as she is contemplating the fall, high school teacher Haiba Jin (the superb Hashimoto Ryo) appears and talks her down by asking her if she won’t fall in love with him instead.

The ensuing story follows the pair as, not only does Jin help to repair Mikoto’s life while also repairing his own, the relationship that develops between them is phenomenal and, surprisingly, even though the drama deals with suicide, it is hilariously funny.

The drama itself is one of those rare almost-perfect adaptations of a popular manga, as it stars actors who could not have looked or performed more beautifully in their roles, while director Takahashi Natsuki, who was only 25 when she directed the drama, was able to embody the spirit and feel of the delightful manga like the characters and events had just walked off the page and nestled themselves into film.

What we know about Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi, Season 2

Not a huge amount has been released so far, except we know the drama is called Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi, Lesson 2 — and that a compilation episode will air on June 11th on MBS, followed by the first original episode of Season 2 on June 18th in Japan.

Japanese broadcaster MBS is also re-broadcasting the drama’s first season starting this week in Japan, and has released several visuals promoting Season 2 (one below).

International fans, meanwhile, can watch/re-watch Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi (aka Falling High School Girl and Irresponsible Teacher) on Viki without a subscription (ie: free).

The staff on Falling High School Girl and Irresponsible Teacher, Lesson 2

Unfortunately, director Takahashi Natsuki is not back to direct as that role has been taken by Yuuka Eda (co-director of Play It Cool, Guys), but she is co-writing the scripts with first season screenwriter Ayumi Shimo.

Fingers crossed then that we’ll get the same “feel” as Season 1, as she and the performances of the leads, are what made the drama utterly brilliant.

MBS has also released a short teaser trailer (watch at the end of this article), and the drama’s stars have released a very excited video about Season 2.

Where can you read Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi manga series in English?

The currently 19-volume manga the live adaptation is based on is written by Sora (aka mangaka Sora Mizuki), but so far does not have an English translation.

There are several “fan translated” English language versions floating around the Internet though, which is where most non-Japanese fans have read it. Myself included.

You could also lobby Kodansha, who is currently publishing Sora Mizuki’s other work The Story of Our Unlikely Love —  a decent manga, but nowhere near as good as Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi — to also give us a digital and print version of this gem.

Although, as Tsuiraku JK is not Kodansha’s IP, it would be a long shot. Boo.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.

2 thoughts on “Drama Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi Season 2 confirmed – Here’s what we know so far

  1. Me too! I read the manga last year then stumbled across the drama on My Drama List, binge-watched it in one evening and couldn’t believe there wasn’t another season 🙂 Season 2 of Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi, and a couple of upcoming Korean dramas are just about making my year 🙂 Just hoping with the director change Season 2 is as good as the first!

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