My Senpai is Annoying OP is upbeat, quirky and fun — listen

The My Senpai is Annoying opening theme song is played over the opening animation sequence of the recently-premiered romantic comedy anime and, if you are looking for a theme song perfect for its show, this one is it.

Called ‘Annoying! Sunsun Week!’, the My Senpai is Annoying opening theme song is performed by Futaba Igarashi (Tomori Kusunoki), Toko Sakurai (Saori Hayami), Natsumi Kurobe (Reina Aoyama), and Mona Tsukishiro (Aoi Koga) and, man, is it cute.

Because it features the main cast of the anime series performing the song in character, while the song itself is upbeat, cute, quirky and fun.

What with all the shouting that goes on in it, as well as the adorable singing.

RELATED: How old are Igarashi and Futaba in My Senpai is Annoying?

Annoying! Sunsun Week!’ also has a catchy beat, and is one of those fun songs that makes you want to nod your head and jump up and down as it’s playing.

This week, ‘Annoying! Sunsun Week!’ also got a promotional push when King Amusement Creative uploaded a non-credit version of the My Senpai is Annoying opening animation featuring the theme song.

Watch that below, and enjoy that utterly cute My Senpai is Annoying opening theme song. It’s adorable.

RELATED: Do Igarashi and Takeda end up dating at the end of My Senpai is Annoying anime?

My Senpai is Annoying (aka Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi in Japan) is based on the manga by Shiromanta.

It tells the story of teeny tiny office worker Igarashi and her senpai Takeda — a man she finds endlessly annoying, until…all of a sudden, she doesn’t.

The hilarious anime series is currently streaming on Funimation.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria,. Former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, anime, and manga news for over a decade.