Sound! Euphonium’s opening song ‘Dream Solister’ perfect message for Kyoto Animation’s future

Sound! Euphonium‘s opening song exemplifies KyoAni’s amazing spirit

After the fire and subsequent huge loss of life at Kyoto Animation two weeks ago, I am happy to see so many people supporting the Japanese animation studio any way they can. Even if it is just showing clips of their amazing work.

After all, KyoAni is a studio that brings the power of the human spirit to life in its work so exquisitely, and one that has not only given us some of the best anime ever created, but some of the most uplifting songs as well.

Take Sound! Euphonium‘s opening song just uploaded to YouTube by Crunchyroll.

An opening song that carries the perfect message about Kyoto Animation’s future in its lyrics:

Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born 
Let’s set out now towards that big sky 
Open up! Put a smiling face on our friends 
Don’t let go, I don’t want to give up 
Have courage to repel even limits 
Dream Solister!

Now what could be more appropriate than that?

Sound! Euphonium’s opening song is called ‘Dream Solister‘, and is beautifully sung by Japanese singer Miho Karasawa, aka TRUE.

As for the Sound! Euphonium series, it also nicely illustrates the message Kyoto Animation has always shared with the world.

The message that you should work hard in order to reach your dream, as anything is possible, but to also make sure to treat each other well along the way.

Don’t be too sad as you listen to it, though, as that KyoAni spirit we all know and love is still going strong.

As Kyoto Animation CEO Hideaki Hatta said in a statement this week:

An unprecedented atrocity has robbed many of our friends and colleagues of their bright futures, and has left many deeply injured. News from all over the world tells us that amazingly many number of people has sent us their hearts and prayers, which are like candles in the darkness, for those of us trapped in the darkness of deepest grief.

There are many friends and colleagues who are hospitalized and suffering, fighting for their lives. Please give us some time, and we promise that Kyoto Animation will continue to create animation that help people have dreams, hope and impress them.

Kyoto Animation will continue to make its employees and staff lead happy lives, and contribute to society and local community. I assure you that Kyoto Animation will not give up, we will not go quietly into the night…we will not vanish without a fight!

Meanwhile, listen to that gorgeous Sound! Euphonium opening song in the video below, and give a thought to Kyoto Animation and the struggles they still have to go through as they deal with their grief and then attempt to rebuild.

You can of course, watch all of Sound Euphonium! for free on Crunchyroll.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.