Conchita Wurst ‘Unbreakable’ Soundcheck: Awe-Inspiring – Repeat Rotation Video

conchita wurst raw emotion

Most days, when I choose a Repeat Rotation Video, I do it because I feel like listening to a particular song. Today, the one I chose as my Repeat Rotation Video, and listened to at least 30 times (so far), was for a different reason. A reason that I’m not going to talk about but, let’s just say, I needed to.

It’s a video I talked about yesterday, a short, slightly incomplete soundcheck with Austria’s Conchita Wurst singing ‘Unbreakable‘ that, honestly, I can’t get out of my head. That’s because the power of her voice and the emotion she conveys in every bar of this song is — awe-inspiring.

Listen to the husky start, the part where her voice breaks, the deeper, richer, longer notes. Then on to the higher notes, those incredible clear powerful high notes, especially the one that builds, and, of course, the raw emotion on her face.

It’s one of the best performances I have seen her do and, yep, just a soundcheck.

Watch it below. And I’ll guarantee, you are going to be breathless at the end of that.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.