Conchita Wurst: She’s Naughty Sometimes and I Like That (Video)

conchita wurst naughty

One thing I like about watching Conchita Wurst being interviewed, is there are so many facets to her personality. Sometimes she’s quieter, serious, and seems older than her 25 years. Other times she’s louder, funny, and makes me laugh so hard my face hurts.

While, of course, I love every single Conchita Wurst that appears on my computer screen, the one I like the most — and could watch again and again — is the Conchita Wurst that was interviewed by WiWi Bloggs in a fabulous interview in London earlier in the year. Before Eurovision, and before Conchita Wurst became a household name in millions of homes around the globe.

That’s because you just know this Conchita Wurst has more of her creator Tom Neuwirth peering through the make-up, wig and lashes than is usually normal and, boy, does he make her naughty.

Just watch her reactions when she thinks the interviewer told Trackshittaz, the band who beat her during her first attempt to get to Eurovision, that they shouldn’t have won. And again, when she talks about her outfit for her London concert being ‘slutty’ (and she likes that!). Genuine, authentic and highly highly entertaining.

This Conchita is the one you’d enjoy hanging out and gossiping with over a glass of wine. This Conchita is the one that would always make you laugh, if you had a bad day. And this Conchita is the one you’d love messaging backwards and forwards with on Facebook in the wee hours of the night  – because this Conchita is fabulous.

In fact, this Conchita reminds me of every best gay friend I’ve ever known, and just how much fun we used to have.

And no. This Conchita is not the now-more-stylized and definitely more-managed Conchita we’ve seen a lot of lately. Not that I don’t love her too, especially when she sings. But this Conchita would be my soul mate (in a non-romantic way, of course). Because this Conchita rocks.

About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.