The Korean comedy crime drama Crash, Episode 9 saw a small fall in its ratings last night, but still ended up the most-watched show in its time slot, as well as the #1 cable TV show of the day.
That ratings fall too was still more than double the ratings the K-drama received for its first episode on May 13th.
According to Nielsen Korea, Crash, Episode 9 grabbed 5.42 percent of the nationwide audience share on Monday night, which is a slight drop from its all-time high of 5.87 percent for Episode 8.
The Korean drama also earned a slightly higher 5.68 percent from Seoul audiences — which is down from its 6.16 percent all-time high, also for Episode 8.
As every Tuesday episode since Crash began airing has been higher than its Monday episode, however, it is highly likely those ratings will increase again when Episode 10 airs later on tonight.
Crash airs on ENA in South Korea on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Disney+ and Hulu stream it outside the country.
The drama stars Lee Min Ki, Kwak Sun Young, Heo Sung Tae, Lee Ho Chul, and Moon Hee.
The final two episodes of the 12-episode series will air on Monday, 17th June and Tuesday, 18th June.