South Korean romantic comedy Heartbeat, Episode 4 aired last night to higher ratings than its previous episode.
Nielsen Korea is reporting the latest ratings for the Ok Taec Yeon-led increased from the previous episode’s 3.3 percent to last night’s 3.6 percent.
That placed it as the 15th-most-watched show of the day, over its 20th place for its previous episode.
In Seoul, the ratings for Heartbeat, Episode 4 were even better with the drama garnering 4.0 percent of the audience share, which was up from its previous episode’s 3.2 percent.
That put it in 11th place in viewers for the day in that region of the country.
With 12 more episodes of the drama yet to air, there is also still plenty of time for Heartbeat to raise its ratings even further.
It should, as it is well acted (the two main leads have superb chemistry), the plot is interesting and it features some hilarious scenes.
International viewers and Heartbeat
After Heartbeat, Episode 4 aired last night, international viewers of the drama are still rating it a high 8.2 out of 10 on My Drama List. (My Drama List is a useful place to learn about the ‘mood’ of the average drama viewer for a specific drama)
While, of course, you always get a few complainers (who bizarrely will often complain throughout an entire drama how much they detest it but still keep watching), most people seem to be in agreement that Heartbeat is entertaining, fun, features superb performances from all four leads, and has some very funny moments.
With ratings back on the increase and international viewers seeming to be overwhelmingly happy with the direction the drama is heading then, it is likely Heartbeat‘s ratings will continue to be solid going forward.
Heartbeat stars Ok Taec Yeon, Won Ji An, Park Kang Hyun, and Yoon So Hee.
It airs every Monday and Tuesday at 21:45 (KST) on KBS2 in South Korea.
Amazon Prime Video is streaming the series internationally.
Meanwhile, check out the trailer for Episode 5 (only in Korean, unfortunately) which will air next Monday.