Kyoto Animation demolition starts January 2020 – charred studio remains to be removed

Demolition will begin on the charred remains of Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 in January 2020, with preparation for the demolition starting on November 25th, the Japanese anime studio announced this week.

Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 was destroyed in a fire set by an arsonist back on July 18th.

A fire that killed 36 of the 71 people in the building at the time, injured 33 more, and left the building a smoldering and burnt out shell.

Since then, the owners of KyoAni have been deciding whether to demolish the building and build a memorial in its place, or whether to rebuild and reopen the studio’s office there.

With the Japanese being a quite superstitious nationality though, it has seemed likely from the beginning that KyoAni’s Studio 1 would probably reopen elsewhere.

On Sunday, however, Japan’s NHK reported a decision has not yet been made as to what to ultimately do with the site after demolition.

Until that decision is made, the anime studio has informed local residents living in the areas around the burnt out building that demolition will begin in January, 2020 and hopefully be completed by April.

Related: Episode 3 of Fire Force anime series postponed due to Kyoto Animation fire — subject matter too close to actual events


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.