Laid-Back Camp’s ED ‘Fuyu Biyori’ by Eri Sasaki is perfect for slice-of-life anime

Listen to Yuru Camp‘s ending theme song ‘Fuyu Biyori’ — it will grab your heart

Absolutely the best anime I have seen in years is the slice of life series Yuru Camp, aka Laid-Back Camp. There is not one thing wrong in any single episode of the entire series. (It is currently reviewed at 4.9 out of 5 stars on Crunchyroll, and you know that never happens).

Utterly stunning animation, characters you love from the minute they appear, engaging stories, laugh-out-loud humor, excursions to lots of gorgeous outdoor locations in Japan, camping tips and even food recipes.

The voice acting is superb too.

Oh and yes, both the Laid-Back Camp theme songs are wonderful.

The one that grabbed my heart, though, was the Laid-Back Camp ending theme song.

Called ‘Fuyu Biyori’ and sung by Eri Sasaki, the song illustrates what is so wonderful about this stunning anime series.

After all, it is sweet, it is charming, it is lovely, Eri Sasaki vocals are so pretty, and it is a song people will listen to again and again every time they want to evoke how relaxed, calm and satisfied watching Yuru Camp always made them feel.

Listen to Yuru Camp‘s ending theme song ‘Fuyu Biyori‘ by Eri Sasaki in the closing credits video below to see what I mean.

And if you adored this anime as much as I did, you will be happy to know not only is there a second series of Yuru Camp and a film currently in production, there is also a short anime — Heya Camp — that will be released in January, 2020.

January cannot come soon enough.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop, anime, manga and music news for over a decade.