The Chun Woo Hee-led drama The Atypical Family, Episode 4 aired on JTBC last night to a substantial ratings increase over its third episode.
That increase, per Nielsen Korea, was a jump from Saturday night’s 3.16 percent nationwide to Sunday night’s 4.05 percent.
An increase of almost 1.0 percent, and The Atypical Family‘s highest rating yet.
The same took place with audiences in Seoul as well, where The Atypical Family, Episode 4 earned an even higher rating of 4.77 percent on Sunday night — and an even bigger jump from Episode 3’s already decent 3.24 percent.
International viewers rate The Atypical Family
Korean drama fans outside South Korea currently watching The Atypical Family are also rewarding it with pretty decent ratings so far.
My Drama List users currently have the fantasy romance drama with an 8.3 out of 10 — a very solid rating for that site.
Oddly, however, IMDB users are giving The Atypical Family a very low 7.3 out of 10, with the two reviews left for the K-drama so far calling it “slow” and stating “it’s more interesting watching paint dry”.
(I didn’t find that at all, by the way, so maybe an attention deficit problem is involved?)
Meanwhile, FlixPatrol is showing the K-drama hitting the Top 10 in 24 countries as of today, with a #1 spot in South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.
In other words, a mixed reaction, depending on what site you look at.
The Atypical Family stars Jang Ki Yong, Chun Woo Hee, Go Doo Shim and Claudia Kim.
The 12-episode drama airs on JTBC in South Korea every Saturday and Sunday evening through June 9th.
The Korean drama is streaming on Netflix for international viewers in some regions.