Why was Lee Byung Hun’s house in LA broken into? California crime is some of highest in America

News reports stating Korean actor Lee Byung Hun’s house in Los Angeles was broken into last week have forced his agency, BH Entertainment, to admit “Yes, the actor’s house was broken into and, no, no damage was incurred”.

Apparently, Lee Byung Hun was not at home at the time, so the break-in was just one in a long string of break-ins in Los Angeles that, along with violent crime, have helped make California one of the highest crime states in America.

Why was Lee Byung Hun’s house broken into?

Not likely because the house belonged to Lee Byung Hun, but simply because it is likely located in an affluent area where criminals target.

High crime in California is causing hundreds of thousands to leave the state

Up until a couple of decades ago, California always had more people moving to the state every year than leaving it.

That changed during the beginnings of the Covid tyranny when California’s laws were some of the strictest in the country, helping cause almost 650,000 to leave the state in 2020 alone.

Recently, however, the mass exodus from California has been due to Democrat policies that are soft on criminals and that do not protect the law-abiding citizens who live there, as well as on the high cost of living and high taxes.

Crime on a daily basis in cities all over the state goes from petty muggings to assaults, rapes, house break-ins and vehicle break-ins, to mass robbery in stores all over California by roaming gangs who seem to think the world owes them something, and even murder.

If the criminals are even arrested, many are allowed back out onto the streets within hours, and often without even having charges leveled against them.

That is because, according to many Democrats, it is not the criminal who is at fault but the things in life that happened to them that made them that way.

Due to this mentality, some areas of California have become so unsafe for the average resident due to failing Democrat policies, it is no wonder people like Lee Byung Hun are now having their homes broken into even in affluent areas.

After all, when a state government is failing its people to such an extent criminals know the likelihood of them being charged and jailed is extremely small, you probably shouldn’t be surprised when your home is broken into.

Meanwhile, according to data from 2020, California has the highest number of violent crimes in America with 174,026 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants.

That is almost two violent crimes per person living in the Democrat-run state.

According to the FBI, the number of violent crimes in California also increased in 2023 by 3.8 percent, while violent crime in most of the rest of the U.S. fell by 1.7 percent.

Compare that to New Jersey at the middle of the list with just 17,353 violent crimes per 100,000 people, or Montana with just 5,077 violent crimes per 100,000 people, or to the state with the least crime in the country — Vermont at just 1,081 crimes per 100,000, and you will quickly see why California is becoming a not-as-safe-as-it-used-to-be place to visit.

Let alone live there.

The violent crime rate, of course, does not take into account the robbing stores by mass gangs, the house break-ins where items are stolen but where no violence against a human being occurred, the vehicle break-ins, the drug crimes or any number of other crimes occurring in California every day.

So, no, it is not surprising Lee Byung Hun’s house in Los Angeles was broken into.

After all, it is located in a state run by a Democrat Governor, Gavin Newsom, whose policies seem to favor criminals over everyone else.

Throw in a state with many Democrat District Attorneys who do not prosecute the criminals when caught, even after the police arrest them, nor do they have to pay bail before they are released, and it is no wonder, in 2022 alone, more than 343,000 people left California.

That is the highest exodus of any state in the United States.

Unfortunately, the problem for people like Lee Byung Hun is, as more and more people leave the state, (almost two-thirds of Californians are worried about the crime rate) California’s high taxes will rise even higher just to regain the taxes lost by the people who have left.

Add in the high crime rate in cities like Los Angeles, and there will come a point where, even if Lee Byung Hun wants to sell his house and leave the city, he may struggle to find someone to buy it.

So, yes, Lee Byung Hun’s house in Los Angeles was broken into. And, no, I am not remotely surprised.

After all, property crime was up 6.2 percent in California in 2022 alone.

Neither am I surprised that, according to Los Angeles police, “no arrests have been made”.

(Special Note: And yes, I lived in Los Angeles myself for over five years. I was one of those who left the state as well).

About Steve Reynolds

Obsessed with anime and manga. Desperate for time to stop with only me left moving in the world. Then I'd have the time needed to watch the 543 anime DVDs I own, and read the more than 1,000 manga.