Watch Kaleo’s ‘Way Down We Go’ as featured on NBC’s Blindspot (Video)

A lot of music used in TV shows recently has been older tracks — two, three or more years old.

Nothing wrong with that, as there is some amazing stuff out there, but I still love to hear brand new music on a TV show’s soundtrack now and again.

So, I was thrilled to hear Kaleo’s recent single ‘Way Down We Go’ showing up on the NBC series ‘Blindspot‘ last week (Season 1, Episode 10 — “Evil Handmade Instrument”).

When did Kaleo’s ‘Way Down We Go‘ first come out?

Kaleo’s ‘Way Down We Go‘ was released on August 7th, 2016, with the video first premiering as a Noisey exclusive.

And what’s interesting about the video, other than it’s as cool as hell, is it was filmed inside an Icelandic volcano. Which, it being dormant and all, was not as hot as you might expect.

Although the band’s music definitely was.

And, if you are not familiar with Kaleo, they are an Icelandic indie pop rock band with sweet guitars and rasping, rich vocals, whose music has recently been popping up on all kinds of hit TV shows.

The band members are vocalist and guitarist Jökull Júlíusson, Davíð Antonsson on percussion and vocals, Daníel Ægir Kristjánsson on bass and Rubin Pollock on guitar.

They stand out for their mellow, folk sound and, of course, for Jökull Júlíusson’s incredibly gravelly voice.

Now watch Kaleo’s ‘Way Down We Go‘ in the official video below. Cool, eh?

You can buy the track on Amazon and other similar music services, and also listen to it on the Spotify player down below.


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria,. Former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, anime, and manga news for over a decade.