“Lee Dong Wook is f*cking handsome. Stop it” – Korean actor confused as to what comment means

Lee Dong Wook “Random Questions” video gives funny insight into actor’s personality

Korean actor Lee Dong Wook has become a not-so guilty pleasure of mine since I recently became hooked on the amazing Korean drama Tale of the Nine-Tailed.

A drama in which Lee Dong Wook plays a nine-tailed fox who isn’t only drop dead gorgeous, but can kick just about anyone/anything’s ass while still looking beautiful in his perfectly-tailored suit.

After finishing the final episode of Tale of the Nine-Tailed this morning, I spent a few minutes trolling YouTube for any videos of Lee Dong Wook being interviewed as, when it comes to gorgeous Korean actors, I always want to see if they are as intelligent as they are pretty.

And yep, Lee Dong Wook is apparently as intelligent as he is pretty (Yay!).

But, while I was coming to that realization, I also stumbled across a video filmed last year in Singapore of the Korean actor answering a few random questions.

The videos is called “Lee Dong Wook On His Favourite Ice Cream Flavour and Memorable Online Comments: Random Questions“, and was put out by Elle Men.

And while fans will learn a few things about the Korean actor (he loves vanilla ice cream and gives a recipe on how to make it taste even better), one comment he made had me laughing and laughing.

Because apparently, he didn’t quite understand a comment a fan made.

Although it did make him laugh for hours after he read it…


A fan comments “Lee Dong Wook is f*cking handsome. Stop it”

When asked “What’s the funniest thing you’ve read about yourself online?“, the actor thought for a second and then answered this:

I don’t really read online comments much.

But one of the comments that I remember is “Lee Dong Wook is f*cking handsome. Tell him to stop it”. 

He went on to explain he had no idea what the commenter meant when they said it:

I wondered if this person is criticizing me? Or is it a compliment? The words of the comment are bad, but the overall sentence sounds like a compliment.

He then laughed and explained, while still confused, he laughed about the comment for quite a while afterwards.

And by the way, Lee Dong Wook, just in case you ever read this, while I have no idea if that comment was made in English, Korean or another language, it was very likely a compliment.

In English, for instance, we will often say “He’s so damned hot. Stop it“, meaning a guy is so hot, I am about to melt into a puddle if he doesn’t stop being.

So there you have it, things that confuse Lee Dong Wook. Weird compliments. Apparently. 😂😂😂

Watch the Elle Men “Random Questions” interview with Lee Dong Wook below.

It and he are very cute. And yep, he’s f*cking hot!


About Michelle Topham

Brit-American journalist based in Austria, former radio DJ at 97X WOXY, and Founder/CEO of Leo Sigh. I've covered K-drama, K-pop, J-pop and music news for over a decade.